Death Metal

Just got the new The Chasm, Corchado threw in a few little extra goodies as well, I just about creamed my pants listening to the CD.
Yeah, it really is an excellent album. I haven't listened to it enough times to know for sure, but I think it might end up being one of my favorite The Chasm albums.
I'd forgotten how great this album is. Perhaps one of the best death metal albums to come out in 1994?

That's getting a re-release by The Crypt/Dark Symphonies, right?

EDIT: It seems like the Crypt will be doing the album plus demo and split material. Which is pretty cool I guess. I'm really only interested in having the full length and don't feel like paying that much more for the delux 3LP set that's probably planned, but whatever.
I havent got to listen to it yet, but I have pretty high hopes. Into the Masoleum was pretty good... and everyone seems to be loving it....