Death Metal

SFU are atrocious garbage.

SFU has a couple of albums that aren't all bad.

Anyways, I've seen a couple people talking about Cemetery, but when I went on metal-archives to search, there were about 20 bands with the same name. Is there a certain album by them to look for, or where are they from?

Sweden. first album
SFU has a couple of albums that aren't all bad.

Anyways, I've seen a couple people talking about Cemetery, but when I went on metal-archives to search, there were about 20 bands with the same name. Is there a certain album by them to look for, or where are they from?
Evil Shade of Grey
Are there any bands that are similar to Mithras? I'd like to see more bands playing their style of thick, yet ambient and spacey death metal
Guys, I'm currently listening to Pathology Stench of Slovakia and I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised. I knew about this band and never got to their older material as it's almost impossible to download and it's very overlooked on this board but I blind bought Accion Mutante and it's very good.

Nice, clean production and healthy riffs, altogether a kickass deathmetal, somewhere between Krabathor and Vader maybe, classic central-european shit. Rec'd (try this even if you downloaded Meatall and didn't like tbh).

I think i may have heard one or two of their songs.

Have you heard Witchrist - Curses of Annihilation?

Another great death metal gem from this year.