Death Metal

Yeah that Soulburn album is awesome, so is On The Wings of Inferno which I've been championing for a couple years as a sleeper hit for Asphyx, though I've never really heard any negative opinions on it...just tends to get overlooked.
Infinitum Obscure - Sub Atris Caelis
Ascended - Temple of Dark Offerings
Morbider - When Darkness Returns
Lie in Ruins - Swallowed By The Void
Affliction Gate - Aeon of Nox
What's the opinion on Dismember here? Been investigating some swedish DM lately and just got hold of their first album, its fucking immense! Am interested in anything in a similar style to this.

From the albums thread:
Amazing album. Have you heard Intestine Baalism?

edit: Am checking their myspace and its pretty good, the vocals are a bit lacking for me but the music is nice.
Like an Ever Flowing Stream is definitely one of the best records ever, and I like pretty much everything else they've done.

Try God Macabre's The Winterlong.

Intestine Baalism rules.
Thanks guys, will get onto checking these out ASAP. :)

Only been investigating death metal properly recently, only knew a couple of bands before, got a lot to keep me busy here. Don't like a lot of the newer more brutal death stuff, but the old school bands are very appealing so far.
Just remembered I've listened to that (nocturnal silence) before actually and liked the first few tracks but didn't listen to the whole thing, then promptly forgot about it. Will wack it on for a full listen in a bit.
I kinda doubt I'd care much for it anymore, but back in the day I enjoyed the first SFU album for Allen West's riffs & solos. Nothing beyond that, though...
SFU has a couple of albums that aren't all bad.

Anyways, I've seen a couple people talking about Cemetery, but when I went on metal-archives to search, there were about 20 bands with the same name. Is there a certain album by them to look for, or where are they from?
SFU has a couple of albums that aren't all bad.

Anyways, I've seen a couple people talking about Cemetery, but when I went on metal-archives to search, there were about 20 bands with the same name. Is there a certain album by them to look for, or where are they from?

I checked the Cemetery band and four of those bands that are named Cemetery are death metal.It tough to know which one your talking about.