Death Metal

I have both of those on CD now so I may pass, although they're both good. I'm annoyed I didn't get the reissue of Passage of Life cuz I got into it after they announced that and never had the money at the time. The Utumno reissue is still awesome but I haven't given it a proper listen yet (:()

Possible controversial opinion: Spiritually Uncontrolled Art seems to be minorly overrated. It's alright, but goddamn (esp MalignParadigm :p). Grotesque on the other hand is awesome shit.
They're hardly obscure for fans, they're what At The Gates was SUPPOSED to be. But I find the material on there under par for what ATG's early stuff set.
It's so intense all the way through, like a The Red In The Sky jacked up to insanity, that it probably wouldn't have worked on a fullenght without completely wearing the listener out.