A Journeys End
Alot of those bands seem very underated and I couldn't dig up much.
Yeah, that was my goal, to upload some stuff not commonly found on youtube or found on-line in general.
Of course I've heard DTU, they're great =P
Good stuff indeed, haven't heard their last effort though

I found Necrosphere, Thron, Obtruncation, and Cerebrocide to be nice for what I've heard.
The Necro disc overall is cool, has a Slayer cover on it. Cerebrocide really stepped up on their second release, the debut wasn't all that impressive. I have both of THRON's releases, they can get pretty weird on some tracks. Obtruncation has been at it since the 80's and last I heard a couple year back they were still at it playing live shows and such. That disc is criminally underrated considering hardly anyone has even heard of them.
Scythe isn't that great but Nephasthe is decent.
I love nephasth! Scythe was put up by request, I don't think I've listened to that disc more than 3 times.