Death Metal

Alot of those bands seem very underated and I couldn't dig up much.

Yeah, that was my goal, to upload some stuff not commonly found on youtube or found on-line in general.

Of course I've heard DTU, they're great =P

Good stuff indeed, haven't heard their last effort though :(

I found Necrosphere, Thron, Obtruncation, and Cerebrocide to be nice for what I've heard.

The Necro disc overall is cool, has a Slayer cover on it. Cerebrocide really stepped up on their second release, the debut wasn't all that impressive. I have both of THRON's releases, they can get pretty weird on some tracks. Obtruncation has been at it since the 80's and last I heard a couple year back they were still at it playing live shows and such. That disc is criminally underrated considering hardly anyone has even heard of them.

Scythe isn't that great but Nephasthe is decent.

I love nephasth! Scythe was put up by request, I don't think I've listened to that disc more than 3 times.
Anyone remember this band? They were all over the map with each new release. This album by far my fav from them.

I need to go back and listen to this entire album again, it's been years.

Nothing wrong with a little sodomy. Unless it's being performed on me of course.

I found this album to be very solid, they turned to shit shortly after though.

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@Death Delirium - major kudos for posting those Resurrection tracks - Embalmed Existence was a cracking album, well worth revisiting. Chaosbreed, while kind of entertaining, I always took to be too similar to Dismember to be worth paying too much attention too - kinda the same way The County Medical Examiners and General Surgery are too similar to Carcass...

Chaosbreed is an Entombed tribute band with very similar comparison to the album "Clandestine".
Just discovered these guys. Contains members from Portal, definitely reminds me of them but with a tinge of more discernible riffs from Incantation. Enjoying it alot.

edit: I just realised Zeph had already posted the youtube clip at the recommendations thread. I fail. :(

swiss gem that I discovered recently. should be up the osdm fan's alleys.

I like this, although it strikes me as the effort of very "young" musicians. The sense of dramatic (maybe too dramatic?) melody isn't something you can really teach, and they do seem to have a rough but steady grasp of where they want to go and the basic shape of the path they want to travel to get there (which is a huge plus).

On the other hand, it's also clear that they're still a bit fuzzy on the details, so some of the transitions are inadequately set up and, thus, like a glaring plot hole in an otherwise charming debut novel, somewhat awkward. It is not, of course, exploring unknown territory, rather, it works patiently back over ground that has been charted, mapped, measured and measured again, seeking not the dramatic revelations, but the little discoveries of everyday life. This is about as good as most demo only bands could expect to be, so it's shame that this project never really stuck around long enough to fulfill the promise of this album.