Death Metal

Friends, check out The Dead -

DC Records signs The Dead - Death Metal band from Australia
May 12, 2010


Diabolical Conquest Records is pleased to sign The Dead from Brisbane, Australia. Incorporating influences from genres such as doom metal to make their music gloomier and groovier and yet retaining the death metal aesthetic and underground essence, The Dead play in a unique, perverse style of raw and catchy death metal that transcends schools and trends. After releasing their debut full length album through the Australian Obsidian Records, DC Records will be re-releasing their latest full length album 'Ritual Executions', which was originally self-released by the band and limited to 100 copies, in much higher quantities. This release will have a modified artwork by Mike Yee and has been mixed and remastered by Aphotic Mote (Portal).

Diabolical Conquest founder Kunal N. Choksi comments, "I am extremely happy to sign what I feel is one of the best and most original sounding death metal bands today. After promoting The Dead for years, reviewing three of their releases in detail (with the last two finding a place in my best albums of the year lists) and even conducting an interview with them, it was as if I was destined to sign them; no other band seemed worthier. It is an honour to work with a band I have known and admired for so long and I hope to give them the exposure they truly deserve."

The Dead drummer Chris Morse adds, "It is an honour to be entrusted with DC Records' first release. DC Webzine has always been known for its honest and insightful reviews of underground metal releases and this will no doubt be reflected in the quality of music the label will release. It's a very exciting time for the band and we cannot express how jubilant we feel at being added to the DC Records roster."

Ritual Executions will be released early this monsoon. A special pre-order offer will be up soon."

A few The Dead mp3s from 'Ritual Executions' -

Preview of a 10 min instrumental song -

Full song -

Title track -

I've been listening to Vasaeleth's album Crypt Born and Tethered to Ruin a lot lately and I must say this is shaping up into one of the best death metal albums I've heard all year. It sounds like a fucked up mix of Necros Christos, Ignivomous, and Dead Congregation.

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Shit yes! Been listening to it a heap. Just ordered the 12" version a couple days ago. Only death metal band I can see topping it is Cruciamentum if they actually release anything... and I'm probably forgetting a couple other bands.
I've been listening to Vasaeleth's album Crypt Born and Tethered to Ruin a lot lately and I must say this is shaping up into one of the best death metal albums I've heard all year. It sounds like a fucked up mix of Necros Christos, Ignivomous, and Dead Congregation.

I can't tell if I like it or not, laptop speakers aren't cooperating.
Listening to things on laptop speakers/judging them from that listening experience is equivalent to being retarded.
Well I'm borderline retarded anyway so it's ok. It's all I've got in front of me and he made it sound too tempting. I've got the Klipsch set up on the home computer. Nicest computer speakers I was able to come across here locally.
Fair enough. Plug some headphones in at least! Anyway, Vasaeleth is kinda just there...listened to it a few times and nothing stood out. Sounds like the bands he compared 'em to though. If you're into new school morbid metal of death type stuff (DM with BM thematic/aesthetic, etc.) you'll like it, no doubt.
I'm looking for more death metal bands in the vein of Dead Congregation, Father Befouled, Funebrarum and Ignivomous: claustrophobic, dark and generally super intense, but not slam or grind influenced per se. Recs?

Speaking of which:

I've been listening to Vasaeleth's album Crypt Born and Tethered to Ruin a lot lately and I must say this is shaping up into one of the best death metal albums I've heard all year. It sounds like a fucked up mix of Necros Christos, Ignivomous, and Dead Congregation.

I like this a lot.