yeah they'd only been building that up for like a year. Probably a ploy by the record company to get people interested, Autopsy developed quite a cult status after they disbanded before.
I like Abscess' new one as well, yet another band that breaks up soon after I hear of them hehe.
Other than a new chance for people to see them live, it's probably nothing to get too excited over. "Comeback" albums are rarely anything more than ok.
Got this in the mail today & it kicks ass!!! Kind of sounds a bit like a Razorback release (not a bad thing to me, I like most of the stuff they release), but it has it's own unique qualities. Very solid all the way through.
So it should already have been clearly established how crushingly awesome Impetuous Ritual are.
Well....while seeing Portal at MDF (which shares members with IR) I heard nothing but the same sound. I love it. So dark, crushing, evil, Australian...
Impetuous Ritual seems to have more straightforward riffs, almost Incantation-like. Portal is more all over the place. They're both fucking awesome though.