Death Metal

I would have started with Onward to Gologotha since thats their earliest album and their best IMO.

2- Diobolical Conquest
3 - Mortal Throne/ Unon the Throne
4 -Blasphemy

Their whole discography is amazing. I just recently got into them aswell and they are my favorite old school DM band now. :kickass:
been listening to Perdition Temple quite a bit lately. Continuation of Angelcorpse (not that shitty Of Lucifer and Lightning trash, real Angelcorpse). Shit destroys. Any Angelcorpse fan needs to listen.
For all those Incantation fans, I recommend a side band of theirs called Disciples Of Mockery. 3 of the 4 members are members of Incantation. They have one album out called Prelude To The Apocalypse, highly recommended. They sound pretty much the same as Incantation, just slightly faster & heavier.