Death Metal

I liked the Sonne Adam but I thought it was a step down from Armed With Hammers. Will give the Fleshless another listen, I had to stop halfway through earlier.

Thought maybe I should add Blessed Offal - S/T as well.
It's not what i was expecting. I read a couple of advance reviews which praised the new album, so i pre-ordered it.

I hope it's better than that. First Morbid Angel, now Decapitated - pretty sure this is the last time i ever pre-order anything.
I didn't expect anything worth a damn from either band. I've learned that when an old classic band reforms and makes a new album that it is almost always hilariously bad. I think Beherit may be the only band who knows what the fuck is up.
Fuck Gorephilia is awesome.


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Well I realize that most of things ever made by a man suck in comparsion to Whirler of Fate. Although yeah, I‘ve read some review on m-a and apparently it‘s no longer epic as they used to be.

Noisegrinder used to be so fucking good on the first two In-Quest albums, he's crazy as fuck sounding...but on the newest Caducity he sounds boring...and he might be the best part of the album.