Death Metal

Both those Execration and Shaarimoth songs were pretty cool. In case anyone hasn't seen the fucked up new Pyrexia video:

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This is fucking brilliant.


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So how's the new Convulse? Anyone?

Still waiting on my order to arrive.

They (Convulse) have also released a split EP with Disma which you can buy from Doomentia - the cover looks fucking badass. I picked up the Orange splatter version, Druid Lord - Baron Blood EP and the Graveyard split

I'm digging what I've heard of the new Pestilence - might have some people scratching their heads, but i reckon it's pretty tight.
Apparently Rippikoulu is back in the studio. Holy Christ on a cracker.

ksjfgsdfgdjhgfj WHAT?! Source please thank you please?

I remember "We will never play together again. We loved our Rippikoulu times, but this is life !"

Hope you're right... and please link the source asap, cheers!

EDIT: I can't find anything on this at all... hope you're not fucking with us, that's be MEAN :loco: