Lol honestly dude if you don't care, you're not doing a good job at proving it.
So everything you don't like sucks?
The hypocrisy is high within your post. You bitch about every single opinion on this board when it isn't the same as yours and God forbids to disagree on your "superior and correct" opinions (also known as facts). When others use RYM against you, it's irrelevant. Once you use RYM against others, it's relevant. I just threw a few albums out there that I find better than Colored Sands, could have mentioned more albums but it doesn't have any effect on your tunnel vision. It's amazing how you manage to make something mainstream on your own. Could you be more delusional?
My assessment of your list.
last Sinister album sucked balls and im actually dumbfounded that you even mentioned it in this conversation, Welcome to the Morbid Reich is a much better than their latest, still doesn't even come close to being in the same league as CS. Incurso is the best album you've psoted, and already one of my all time favorites and Towards the Megalith is a fucking monster of album. Last Suffocation album was pretty fucking solid, but wasn't even close to being an AOTY contender. Same goes for the last two Autopsy albums. And the Hooded Menace album is just a notch or two below those three. Evocation? Fuckin' Behemoth, lol.
My point has been proven, thanks for the essay.
Also when did I say I was referring the RYM thing to who listens to most Thrash (and knows most)?
But hey, you said Phantom Antichrist is the best Thrash album released in a long time so what do I know...
because RYM was never brought up in any other argument that i've had. And lol, are you really trying to troll me right now? Grow up you fucking child.
Please don't make shit up. I never said such a thing. It's a good album that i highly enjoy. But it's never been higher than a 3.75-4/5 on my list and didnt even crack my top 10 albums of that year. So i don't know where the fuck you popped up with that one. My memory is pretty spot on, maybe you're still mad because i said it's just as good as the last two Testament albums? But yea making shit up is not cool bro.
I'll see if I can find the Kreator thing since I'm quite sure that's what you said.
Yes, bringing up your irrelevant "thrash, x, y" statement was clearly aimed at trying to start some kind of childish flame war. Also calling someone hypocrite or delusional for merely stating facts is pretty childish imo.
That is definitely not what i said, and im 100% sure of that. I said it's one of the best thrash albums form that year(and one of their best albums in years). And then i said it was just as good as the last two Testament albums, which seemed to have ruffled your feathers.
Being and Nothingness came out that year .. that alone should tell you that there is no chance i would have said something like that. Here is my top albums list from 2012 that i haven't edited in over 2 years.