Death Metal

How can anyone be bothered to listen to all those new dm bands playing nothing new to no end? It's right up there with Darkthrone worship band #234. I hardly even bother with Grave of the Archangels and it is supposedly the defining album of the movement.
I don't think "Incantation and bands who sound like Incantation" is a subgenre of death metal. I also don't think Molested should be part of the so-called "caverndeath" movement.
Delving into atmospheric DM more.

I'm digging some Immolation, Grave Miasma, Mitochondrion and (already knew and enjoy) Dead Congregation, Desolate Shrine, Abyssal, and Portal. I didn't care too much for Incantation (gasp), Adversarial, or Antediluvian.

Really loving this Mitochondrion. Few tracks are a touch too chaotic, but overall it's the tits.

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Unfortunately since you don't like Incantation you are a false, this is non negotiable.

Shut the fuck up Krow. If everyone thought like you, this forum would be terrible.

Don't listen to him @Draehl , we can both be members of the Incanmehtion crowd. At least I'll have some backup!

If you're digging atmospheric shit, check out Sulphur Aeon and The Chasm if you haven't already
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haha. I don't think there's anything wrong with Incantation even. It just doesn't have the hooks or atmosphere that draw me in like the others. I've also listened to The Chasm and also Sulphur Aeon. If I'm going to knock anything it's SA as they don't have much staying power and get bland after several listens. Portal on the other hand keeps getting better and better with more listens.
It just doesn't have the hooks or atmosphere that draw me in like the others.

Yeah this is probably my biggest gripe too. I don't think Incantation has any hooks at all. I like the first album and that's about it. Every time I start listening to Incantation to see if my view has changed, I get bored and throw on something else even before the album finishes.
Yeah this is probably my biggest gripe too. I don't think Incantation has any hooks at all. I like the first album and that's about it. Every time I start listening to Incantation to see if my view has changed, I get bored and throw on something else even before the album finishes.

It sounds like there's something wrong with you. I'm not a doctor though.
You don't like Diabolical Conquest? I find it to be full of killer riffs.

I would say that album is okay. Daniel Corchado on it helps and I'm not a The Chasm fanboy or anything. They have so much material that I need to just sit down with no distractions and just listen.

The problem with trying to get through all this shit and really develop an opinion on it is that a lot of my listening is done at work and I get distracted/interrupted a lot so it's hard to really absorb shit in that environment.
I don't think "Incantation and bands who sound like Incantation" is a subgenre of death metal. I also don't think Molested should be part of the so-called "caverndeath" movement.

Yeah, that post is kinda bad. Antediluvian is nothing like the rest of the 'caverndeath' stuff nor are Portal and Funebrarum.