Death Metal

I'm only familiar with about half of those, some great stuff man. Especially that Vile Apparition, one of the best demos from a newer band in recent times. Outside of the more well-known names of Abramelin or Mortification, the only old-school band that immediately comes to mind that you missed is Neuropath, definitely one of my favorite demos!

I know it's not the same as Australia, but I dug a little into the old New Zealand scene a while back and found some pretty sicknasty gems.

This is one of the filthiest things I've ever heard.

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Good shit man!

I hadn't heard of any of these so that was a treat. Neuropath utterly rules, I must have missed them when I made my post because I basically skipped over a lot of brutal death metal not wanting to have to sift through a pile of pseudo-brutal death metal/shitty slam. Definitely missed a gem there. Other than that I liked the rest, especially liked Sinistrous Diabolus! Fucking repulsive vocalist.

One of the few New Zealand obscure death metal gems I know about is this one, unfortunately not on Youtube as far as I know but it slays:

Not sure how you or anybody else feels about Grave Ritual but I was a huge fan of those guys when they were first called Meathole Infection. Utterly disgusting punky death metal, sick shit that I can't get enough of. What a shame they never completed a full album, though there's enough material from demos and splits to put together a pretty legendary compilation.

Glad you dug it man. I know a ton of brutal death from down under, but I tried to eschew any new-ish bands and stick to mostly 90s stuff. BDM from that time frame rules, that's what I really consider stuff like Neuropath.

I've listened to Meat Yard before, I think I remember not liking it because I found it too grind-y for my tastes. Regardless, I'll be sure to a good listen to the song you posted! Another good New Zealand band is Gorehouse, but I don't think I could find them on YouTube either.

I think the Torturor album was just recently reissued, I'd like to get my hands on a copy at some point soon.
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If you know any other good Australian brutal death metal similar in style to them, post them up here sometime!

Good brutal death metal is my biggest musical blind-spot tbh and I really enjoyed that shit. I even messaged the guys from that band to see if any spare tapes are still floating around. Hopefully I hear back from somebody.
I don't know anything Australian that's similar really, but if you like that, dig into 90s brutal death. Torture Krypt, Entorturement, Scattered Remnants, Sintury, etc.
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Haven't heard Manticore, but I actually meant to include Encabulos in my previous Aussie-DM post. Not sure I'd consider them brutal death, but I've only listened to the full length. Great stuff regardless. Here's some other early BDM stuff you might consider looking into, along the lines of Neuropath, Gaffed, Eviscerate, etc. Tried to go with more obscure stuff, less ultra-brutal, all of it between '94-'97.

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Sorry I only just got around to checking those out this morning man. Great set of links though!

For me the highlights were Sufficide, BodyBag, Scattered Remnants and Agony Conscience.
Especially that BodyBag demo, that shit is nasty as fuck. Somebody should compile all their releases onto CD or something, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Sucks that their '95 and '99 tapes aren't anywhere on Youtube.

Looking those guys up I stumbled across this. Probably already know it but thought I'd post it here just in case. Not too bad, though NOWHERE near as good as that other BodyBag:

Lately I've been listening back to some of the non-album gems from 2017. So much good shit that just gets lost in the waves and waves of stuff I check out on a weekly basis:

Head-crushingly heavy shit.

I love how low these guys take everything.

Nasty riff-heavy death metal that gets a bit doomy.

One of my favourites from last year's wave of demos and their album out this year looks like it will be pretty brutal too.

And this is a death metal album from last year that seemed to go under the radar. Pretty fucking good and aggressive!
I think Bodybag was supposed to be doing some kind of demo compilation a while back, but I'm not entirely certain. I remember seeing something about it somewhere, I think on their FB, but I'm too lazy to go looking.

Fetid is definitely my favorite from those, I love their demo; it's a goddamn shame they only put it on fucking tape though. Kill yourselves. Hoping for a full length soon, one that isn't solely on the most dogshit format in existence. I'm at least passingly familiar with all the others besides Phalanx, who I'll definitely be checking out.
One of the sickest things I've heard this year, EASILY!!!! Immolation-esque OSDM from members of Taphos, Decaying Purity, Burial Invocation, Phrenelith, Undergang, and Wormridden, among a ton of others. HIGHLY recommended.

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One of the sickest things I've heard this year, EASILY!!!! Immolation-esque OSDM from members of Taphos, Decaying Purity, Burial Invocation, Phrenelith, Undergang, and Wormridden, among a ton of others. HIGHLY recommended.

Yeah this band fucking rules, their EP from last year was awesome too.

Just checking their Bandcamp now and the CD is already sold out even though it came out yesterday lmao. Good for them.