Death Metal

I enjoyed the Ossuarium record quite a bit actually. I think they are a promising new band
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Some death metal I've heard recently that I haven't seen discussed.

Soulrot - Nameless Hideous Manifestations


Cover art rules. Some pretty gnarly death metal. Nothing essential but not bad.

Necroblood - Collapse of the Human Race


Filthy and evil black/death. I'm not usually too into stuff like this, but this one has kept me entertained over a few listens. Cover art also rules.

Ascended Dead - Abhorrent Manifestations


An almost impenetrable whirlwind of swirling chaos. Think Necrovore, Sadistic Intent and Morbid Angel. Vocalist is pretty weak, unfortunately.

Necrovorous - Plains of Decay


Some sick riffs on this one. Very Autopsy, Rottrevore and Dead Congregation influenced stuff from Greece, though not as good as any of those bands.

Suffering Hour - In Passing Ascension


Weird, technical and dissonant shit. Sounds ranging from Ved Buens Ende, Deathspell Omega, Demilich, Gorguts and Ulcerate. The band themselves apparently said their biggest influences are The Chasm and Dead Congregation and you can hear that as well (the opening to the second song "Devouring Shapeless Void" is seemingly their own fucked up take on the opening of "Fortress"). Honestly not sure how I feel about it as a lot of this sound is not generally in my wheelhouse and I find some parts of it pretty alienating. It's definitely interesting, though.

This Mexican death metal demo is really killer, can't quite put my finger on who they remind me of. Late 90's Cannibal Corpse comes to mind due to some parts but probably mostly because the vocalist kinda reminds me of Corpsegrinder. It gets pretty technical and blistering at some points too so they're definitely not a Cannibal Corpse-worship band by any means. Anyway it really crushed man, sucks they just vanished.

Pre-order here.

An opening chapter in Origin's musical journey and a prequel to the Origin we know today. Such could be said about "Abiogenesis - A Coming Into Existence", the band's new anniversary album.

Abiogenesis is the process by which the origin of life has arisen from non-living matter. The details of this process are still a path unknown, the transition from non-living to a living entity was not a single event, but a gradual process of increasing complexity. This process is what Origin's new album is all about.

"Abiogenesis - A Coming Into Existence" was recorded and recreated from the original 1991-1996 era that preceded Origin's official formation. The album features never-before released tracks that laid foundations to one of America's top death metal purveyors.

The tracks on "Abiogensis" were recreated to the best of his ability, by founding Origin member & mastermind Paul Ryan, who recorded all instruments himself, between 2013 and 2018.

The twelve-track album includes eighth new (previously unreleased) tracks from the pre-Origin period, spanning from the "Necrotomy" (1990-1991) to "Thee Abomination" (1992-1993) era of the band (the "Abiogenesis" part of the album). They're followed by a remastered version of Origin's first ever EP from 1998 (and first ever death metal recording to use the "gravity blast" drumming technique) as a special bonus re-release for all Origin fans & album collectors ("A Coming Into Existence" part). This EP was never available for worldwide release before.

Paul comments: "Over the years people have asked me how Origin just came to be as a band so ferocious virtually out of nowhere. This is a small summary of the Origins of Origin. Basically, I spent a lot of my youth at shows at the outhouse practicsng garage grinding, basement blasting & shed shredding anywhere I️ could, composing as what my father would call 'Infernal Racket' as I was very passionate about death metal. That's all I ever wanted to do. A lot of missed opportunities as we just couldn't put it together into making a album (some music was meant to be underground), so these tracks are some of my earliest creations from the Necrotomy (1990-1991) & Thee Abomination (1992-1993) period".

He continuous: "This is by no means the current direction of the band Origin, but simply music that is the Origins of Origin. I did to the best of my ability to recreate the instrumentation of all the former members & the guys who I played this music with blended into each track (& yes there was a lot of editing!!!!). Im officially retired from recording drums ever again!".

Even though "Abiogenesis" presents Paul as a multi-instrumentalist, things weren't like this back in the early 90's: "Thanks to these guys who helped me create these songs/style. I️ couldn’t have done this without you and Origin would have never been: Dean Jones, Drew Bray, Mark Manning, Jaime Serrano, Steve Bradley, Jerry Bradley, George Fluke, Clinton Appelhanz, Jeremy Turner, Judd Mason and Payam Pourmirza" - Paul adds.

The music on "Abiogenesis" was influenced (back in the day) by all the heaviest sounds of the 80s and 90s (that Metal Blade, Relativity, Earache, Combat, Roadrunner & Relapse records could offer), as well as bands from the local Kansas scene and neighbouring states (inc. Excessive Strain, Psychosis, The Socio Pathetic's, Aehraid, Device Public Assassian, Nasferatu etc.). Paul elaborates: "These Bands got very little recognition in the national spotlight but had a huge influence on me for their extremity & talent that I witnessed live. They pushed me to continue what I heard into my own music. I'd personally like to thank those who were there from the early days, those who have joined along my death metal soundtrack & those who are just discovering this music now!".

The "Abiogenesis" album was written between 1990 and 1993 and recorded between 2013 and 2018. David Nollac took care of the tracking at Hyde Street Studios in San Francisco (Ca), with final mix and master done by long-time Origin collaborator, Robert Rebeck. The latter remastered "A Coming Into Existence" bonus EP in 2018, for the needs of this release. The bonus EP was originally recorded and mixed at Mercy Studios in Lawrence (Kansas) by said Robert Rebeck, back in 1998. The "Abiogenesis" cover artwork features a photo of the "Pillars of Creation" from the new advanced Hubble space telescope.

1. Insanity*
2. Mauled**
3. Autopsied Alive**
4. Spastic Regurgitation*
5. Bleed as Me*
6. Mind Asylum*
7. Infestation*
8. Murderer**
"A Coming Into Existence"
9. Lethal Mainpulation the bone crusher chronicles***
10. Sociocide***
11. Manimal Instincts***
12. Inner Reflections The Pain from Within***

* Necrotomy (pre-Origin) 1990-91.
**Thee Abomination (pre-Origin) 1992-93.
*** Origin 1997-98.

releases May 3, 2019
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I just grabbed a huge chunk of death metal from Dark Descent’s sale.

Not sure how much longer the sale is going to last but most CDs are $7-8.

Sorathian Dawn - Sun of the Deep

Discovered this on YouTube. Some pretty cool newer melodic death metal.

@Vegard Pompey this might be exactly what you are looking for when you were asking for a modern take on the winding melodic black/death.

I just grabbed a huge chunk of death metal from Dark Descent’s sale.

Not sure how much longer the sale is going to last but most CDs are $7-8.

Wow, thanks for posting about this! I had no idea that Crimson Relic's Purgaotory's Reign was being reissued, but it's being reissued by Dark Descent Records. I wouldn't have known had you not posted this!
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Matt Calvert sent me a friend request on facebook a while back so I always know when they're having sales. I suppose I should post them here more often then.