Death Metal

I knew that was gonna be Bunk Dope before the preview loaded, just on the description lol. The only reason I didn't include them was because they didn't release an album until 2000. I have the other album besides the one you posted and it's super sick too.
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I wish more bands would directly emulate Cryptopsy. You've got bands copying about every style of DM on the planet in the past few years, but very, very few seem to draw direct influence from Cryptopsy. I posed the question on the Metal Archives forum a while back asking if anyone had any recommendations for things that sound like Blasphemy Made Flesh or None So Vile, and got next-to-nothing, so I figured I'd ask here. To eschew any redundancies, here's all the bands I would recommend to myself, so you don't have to.

Cephalic (Austria)

Infliction (Texas)

Obscene Crisis (Canada)

Yattering (Poland)

Goratory (Massachusetts)

Other options could easily include Wormed (but not as overtly brutal) or Lykathea Aflame (but not as out-there), or others. Gimme some double-footed blasting at high speeds, deep vocals, lots and lots of riffs and spastic structures. Trying to stay away from color-by-numbers brutal death, too. Also, I've been finding more and more ultra-sick 90s BDM if anyone else is interested.

Goresick (Ohio)

Cicatrix (Poland)

Demolition (California)

I saw a new band on Facebook calling themselves Necrosis and went on a rant about how that's one of the most overused names ever, and in the process, found two sick bands called Necrosis from the 90s, one from New Jersey:

and one from New York:

Engorged (Massachusetts)

Decrepid (Wisconsin)

Putrefaction (Illinois, where I live; Von from Lividity and Deaden's old band, only did this demo, which was pretty nasty for its time)

Buried Beneath (New York)

Subconscious (Indiana)

Ossuary (Pennsylvania)
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Yattering rules but the only thing I've heard is Human's Pain

Genocide is a monster, man. Try that one out sometime.

I wish more bands would directly emulate Cryptopsy. You've got bands copying about every style of DM on the planet in the past few years, but very, very few seem to draw direct influence from Cryptopsy. I posed the question on the Metal Archives forum a while back asking if anyone had any recommendations for things that sound like Blasphemy Made Flesh or None So Vile, and got next-to-nothing, so I figured I'd ask here.

Here's a few that come immediately to mind, although I'm going by "sounds like early Cryptopsy" kinda loosely:

(They actually covered "Phobophile" by Cryptopsy. ^)

Some of these are pretty loose and some I think you probably already know. I only know a few of what you posted so definitely gotta check those others out. I love the Cryptopsy style so I'm always keen to hear bands that try to emulate that shit.
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Hahaha I'm familiar with all those bands. Defacing I saw in Vegas a couple years ago, forgot to include them, but they fit the vibe for sure. Saprogenic rules, my boy Russ from Gutrot played with them for a while. As far as AN and Goretrade go, you won't find Colombian brutal death that I don't know lol. I've always felt that that whole scene kinda drew influence from Cryptopsy in it's snare use/tones and song-structural spasticity. CIG have you checked out my list on the Colombian scene?
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Some of you may remember the short-lived Wicked Innocence and their super sick 1995 album, Omnipotence:

But a lot of people aren't familiar with some of the other demo-level bands that WI members played in throughout the 90s, including Carnal Decimate:


and Molester:

All three of which are definitely worth checking out.
Wormed are dropping a preview track soon for a new album. Can't fucking wait to hear it, other than that just been spinning the new Encoffinized album a shitton and keeping Torso's Demonic Vomiting demo on steady rotation.

That Carnal Decimate link was fucking sweet. The new Tomb Mold track is pretty cool, but I might be a bit burnt out on their style, or maybe I'm just not in the right headspace because it's not really hitting me like the debut did when I first heard it. Hopefully I'm feeling differently once the whole thing is out.

Recently been enjoying this promo:

Also this album is slowly becoming a staple for commutes to and from jobs:

Down From The Wound slams like it's still the late 90's/early 00's. I liked their debut a lot, especially when it first came out, but by the time this album came out in 2014 I was well out of the brutal death metal/slam stuff and so I missed it. Personally feel like it's one of the best things to come out of the genre in the last decade. It just keeps it so sick and old school, the way slam should be.

Oh and the artwork is twisted as fuck.
I could frankly give a fuck about new Wormed, I heard like 2 minutes of whatever their last one was and didn't care; Planisphaerium is enough for me, essentially. I'm sure I'll get their other albums at some point, but definitely not a priority.

I've had that Carnal Decimate demo on repeat since I heard it, been showing everyone who'll listen hahaha. Pretty much the exact style I'm trying to emulate. New TM was decent, but nothing mindblowing. I'll hopefully be seeing them this July in Chicago with Superstition, who you should also check out if you haven't.

DFtW is super sick. I haven't listened to that one a whole lot, honestly, I primarily gravitate towards their first, so I'll need to give that one another listen for sure! Art is sick, that's why I got the shirt, too ;) Ever check out any other Filipino BDM? Some pretty sick ones out there.
I could frankly give a fuck about new Wormed, I heard like 2 minutes of whatever their last one was and didn't care; Planisphaerium is enough for me, essentially. I'm sure I'll get their other albums at some point, but definitely not a priority.

That's surprising, I think they're one of the best of the modern era, especially for the drier more clinical technical death metal stuff I like. Their debut is still their best though so we can agree there.

DFtW is super sick. I haven't listened to that one a whole lot, honestly, I primarily gravitate towards their first, so I'll need to give that one another listen for sure! Art is sick, that's why I got the shirt, too ;) Ever check out any other Filipino BDM? Some pretty sick ones out there.

I'd love that as a shirt. I actually haven't intentionally searched out any Filipino stuff, feel free throw me some recommendations.

Speaking of Superstition I was actually checking out the new song they released from their upcoming album, pretty sweet:

UNLEASHED Guitarist's First Band INCARDINE: Previously Unreleased 1993 Album To See Light Of Day.
