Death Metal

I wonder why many metalheads dislike Deicide, what's wrong with them? Please be specific and this isn't a troll question lol.
I haven't seen much hate for them around here. I personally dont dislike them, but think there's nothing special about them at all. The Hoffman bros rule though and were the best part of their earlier work. Jack Owen isnt bad either. Haven't listened to their last two album, but i thought The Stench of Redemption ruled.
Alright then, it's just I've been asking myself why such bands usually get a lot of negative comments if they still are kind of popular and their work doesn't sound that bad as people claim. Anyway thanks, I think I kind of like Deicide, not as much as other bands but hey they still got several decent songs.
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Well I don't know where you've been looking, but in my experience, the first 2 Deicide albums, especially Legion, get plenty of positive receptions. From people with just a passing interest in death metal all the way to elitists. It's ranked in many "top death metal" album lists. Later Deicide is pretty bad, though.

As for Cannibal Corpse, I've never been a fan. I find them to be extremely boring and pedestrian for a death metal band. There are hundreds of death metal albums better than CC's best, so I see no reason to listen to them.
Yeah you're right, as for Deicide I've listened to several songs of their latest works and they seem pretty hollow and boring to me whereas when it comes to their first albums then it's another story, that's why I've been wondering why such a great band which owns these masterpieces has been labeled as mediocre. As for CC I agree with you, I haven't been able to get to their albums since it's so repetitive and boring. Anyway thanks a lot guys.
I also think Cannibal Corpse get extra hate from people really into metal because they are kind of representative of the genre to outsiders who don't know any better. They are probably the most well known to people who don't listen to death metal. When they find out you like 'that growling music', it's always like "oh, you're into that shitty Cannibal Corpse, with the horrible lyrics?".
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Another thing, what do you guys think of Behemoth? I've been checking their albums from time to time and it seems OK. I see they got many albums and I'm just wondering if all of these albums are worth listening or if it's just some of them, what are your thoughts on this guys?