Death Metal

I am thinking about Amoral - Decrowning, but I heard they have metalcore vocals. Not that that is the end of the world, but generally I find I like bands with these kind of vocals less. Any guidance?

They have "angry shouty" vocals, not really "death" vocals, but they're a fun band.
I'm fairly new to the genre but i fucking love "seven Churches" by Possessed, i don't know what it is, i just listened to it, and it blew me away.
I'm fairly new to the genre but i fucking love "seven Churches" by Possessed, i don't know what it is, i just listened to it, and it blew me away.

I am pretty sure you'd enjoy some early Death/Thrash bands. Sepultura's First EP and Album are that early style, as well as a lot of other South American Bands of the time. If you can get your hands on it, try any Death Metal bands from Sweden and Florida. If you are a fan of some slower, Celtic Frost inspired stuff Finnland was always good for that sort of thing too.
I've been having a hard time prying myself away from this lately.

Epitaph - Seeming Salvation has been officially reissued by Konqueror Records, including the tracks from the split with Excruciate.
I got the dead congregation/hatespawn finally. Fuck yeah this is a great 7" split. Did anyone else pick this up?

Epitaph - Seeming Salvation has been officially reissued by Konqueror Records, including the tracks from the split with Excruciate.

and its not a bootleg? ehh cool, ill have to pick this up..