Death Metal

Damn Krisiun's Southern Storm is good. They haven't made a bad album in their career, and this new one is just even better than the former one, AssassiNation. It's just something about this band that clicks with me. They are pretty basic death metal, nothing too unique, but on the other hand they kinda have their own style. Simple semi-technical, pretty brutal death metal with kind of a brazilian feel.
Damn Krisiun's Southern Storm is good. They haven't made a bad album in their career, and this new one is just even better than the former one, AssassiNation. It's just something about this band that clicks with me. They are pretty basic death metal, nothing too unique, but on the other hand they kinda have their own style. Simple semi-technical, pretty brutal death metal with kind of a brazilian feel.

I agree with all of that, but what do you mean by ''Brazilian''?
I agree with all of that, but what do you mean by ''Brazilian''?

Well they are Brazilian. And by the "Brazilian feel" I mean kind of a groovy Sepultura-esque approach in their music, but it might be just me. Dunno if any of you guys have noticed traces of that kind of stuff in their music.
I make sure I catch them whenever I can, which has been quite a few times through the years, and they're always good for a thrash.

I don't own a single one of their albums, though.
Most Brazilian death metal = blast blast blast satan blast blast blast blast

To be honest, not really :lol:

Try these: The Ordher - Weaponize (I really enjoy this album, and I don't really like many brazilian bands) and Eternal Malediction (Black/Death) - Endeavor through Thorns. Both play decent, good quality DM.

And by the "Brazilian feel" I mean kind of a groovy Sepultura-esque approach in their music, but it might be just me.

Sepultura are not that much of an influence to them.

I find that in general Krisiun are pretty good is small doses. They are decent, albeit generic aggressive death metal, but they get boring rather quickly.


I've never seen them live but i have the feeling that's where their music fits best.

That's right. They're quite an amazing band playing live, saw them opening for Kreator a few years ago, they were great.
I've liked what I've heard of Krisiun too but they've never been among my favorites which explains why I don't have any of their CD's yet.