Deathcore and metalcore suck?

I don't buy it. They were technical, yeah, and they were death metal, but I would label them progressive death metal tbh.

So fucking what? If they're technical and they're death metal, then they're technical death metal. There's not exactly some cut and dry distinction between technical death metal and progressive death metal, and it's entirely possible for a band to be both.
Actually, I just listened to Unquestionable Presence and I rescind the bit about technicality. They played complex music, no doubt, but I wouldn't call it technical.
WAIF, you must be retarded to not understand that technical and complex mean pretty much the exact same thing when referring to the structure of things, including music. There's no special sound that makes something that's musically complex not technical, and why are you even questioning Atheist of all bands when they're clearly a part of that genre of music as one of its main innovators?
What is it about the structure of their riffs that makes their music not technical?

They don't use chromatic riffing or any of that shit. Basically, they don't play like other death metal bands. They're more based in jazz. I would call them progressive. I simply would not put them in the tech death category because that category has come to mean a certain style which they simply do not play.
Modern variations of a musical style don't change the genre of a band that existed prior to them.
Was their music still obviously based in heavy rock music? They were obviously the first real heavy metal band, and did sound different from their contemporaries, but to act like they didn't play a kind of harder, heavier rock music is juvenile and incorrect.
They don't use chromatic riffing or any of that shit. Basically, they don't play like other death metal bands. They're more based in jazz. I would call them progressive. I simply would not put them in the tech death category because that category has come to mean a certain style which they simply do not play.

dude, jazz is more tech than any music that you've heard.
I don't buy it. They were technical, yeah, and they were death metal, but I would label them progressive death metal tbh.

100% of Black Sabbaths influence is rock music, obviously they played a bit heavier,etc.. but heavyness and tone does not change the actual style the music being played regardless there being different genres and doubt they were called Metal at the time, they're considered 'metal' now because of what they influenced, but in essense are musically rock and metal is basically a sub-genre of rock music. The 'metal' bands that are the most influenced by Sabbath happen to also be influenced and are actually 'rock' bands.

Sure we have to have different labels because of many reasons, but when it comes down to it regardless how fucking heavy your guitar is you're still using the same notes and chords,etc... as in any band prior to the term 'metal'. it's in a sense a warped version of blues,jazz,classical,etc,,,,,, it's fucked up rock music.