Deathcore and metalcore suck?

people who say btm is deathcore obviously dont know much about death metal. BTM is brutal technical death metal and the best at it. Maybe its because they dont look like typical death metallers and have some breakdowns but do you see anyone calling suffocation deathcore just cause they have some breakdowns?

please get over your fanboyism long enough to admit that Beneath The Massacre are obviously heavily influenced by deathcore.

They're also not "the best" at this. You might want to listen to a couple other bands before making that call.
please get over your fanboyism long enough to admit that Beneath The Massacre are obviously heavily influenced by deathcore.

They're also not "the best" at this. You might want to listen to a couple other bands before making that call.

having some breakdowns doesnt mean they are deathcore, they are brutal tech death and yes they are the best at it imo and ive heard plenty of dm bands.
Except the fact where Epitaph was not really enjoyable on any level and sometimes Mechanics of Dysfunction can be a fun listen.
Beneath the Massacre isn't a -core band by any means and anyone who is an avid listener of "technical" music can tell you this. Musically, tech death is the antonym of deathcore and BtM's image is really the only reason why they might be erroneously classified as a -core band. I also went to a concert (the only concert I've ever been to) with Necrophagist and BtM and while Necrophagist predictably drew a larger following, BtM put on a better show and I think their music is more technical as well.

Back on topic, when I'm listening to metal, it's usally some kind of melodic, technical, progressive or symphonic death, black, or power metal. I've never been able to get into the older "classic" bands, but I don't like metalcore or deathcore that much either. I don't want to judge the older music too harshly, because most of it doesn't appeal to me because of the lower production quality, but -core music just bores the shit out of me. Personally, out of all the -core bands that I've heard, they're all basically just parodies of each other and all the songs, even by different bands, tend to all sound pretty much the same to me.

Also, metalcore and deathcore are both extremely easy to write. For those of you who have mentioned how formulaic they are, you're right and here are the formuli:

metalcore - i VI
deathcore - i vii°
Their image is the only reason they'd be considered deathcore?...You're absolutely wrong. Hear all the incredibly over-pronounced breakdown sections full of chugging triplet riffs and "dead air"? What about all the tough guy as fuck (a staple of NY and Boston hardcore, mind you) sections like "THE SYSTEM FAILED WE HAVE TO PROVE IT NOW" with the ridiculously overdone breakdown right after. You're just dumb and wrong, BTM are absolutely not "pure technical death metal", listen to Gorod, who totally lack any core breakdowns or structures similar to hardcore music.
I see no reason why a technical band can't have breakdowns and they certainly don't abuse them to the extent that deathcore bands do. Also, I'm not intimately familiar with the image and toughness of the deathcore scene, but BtM are native French speakers, how tough could they be? :lol:
through out my journey into the realm of metal i find that listening and experiencing metalcore and deathcore bands only help a person broaden their music library. there are a lot of similar sounding bands out there but that can be said for every other genre of metal out there. i don't understand this whole, "it's the fans that ruin the music for me" attitude. that is kind of a pussy way to be. avoid the pit, you don't have to be right up front, all the shows i have been too, it is loud no matter where you stand. Don't let the scenesters ruin your music experience. block that shit out and listen on.
Beneath the Massacre isn't a -core band by any means and anyone who is an avid listener of "technical" music can tell you this. Musically, tech death is the antonym of deathcore and BtM's image is really the only reason why they might be erroneously classified as a -core band. I also went to a concert (the only concert I've ever been to) with Necrophagist and BtM and while Necrophagist predictably drew a larger following, BtM put on a better show and I think their music is more technical as well.

Back on topic, when I'm listening to metal, it's usally some kind of melodic, technical, progressive or symphonic death, black, or power metal. I've never been able to get into the older "classic" bands, but I don't like metalcore or deathcore that much either. I don't want to judge the older music too harshly, because most of it doesn't appeal to me because of the lower production quality, but -core music just bores the shit out of me. Personally, out of all the -core bands that I've heard, they're all basically just parodies of each other and all the songs, even by different bands, tend to all sound pretty much the same to me.

Also, metalcore and deathcore are both extremely easy to write. For those of you who have mentioned how formulaic they are, you're right and here are the formuli:

metalcore - i VI
deathcore - i vii°

nice to see someone who knows what he is talking about.
I see no reason why a technical band can't have breakdowns and they certainly don't abuse them to the extent that deathcore bands do. Also, I'm not intimately familiar with the image and toughness of the deathcore scene, but BtM are native French speakers, how tough could they be? :lol:

Yes they do abuse breakdowns, heavily, I don't even think you are listening to the right band.
Okay guys, if you want to hear breakdown abuse, listen to any Rose Funeral song. They'll stop in the middle of a verse just to have a breakdown. After hearing that nonsense I'm a little looser in my judgment of breakdowns.

Deathcore can be fantastically written, as demonstrated by bands such as Oceano and Glass Casket. I keep seeing generalities being dropped, but there are deathcore and metalcore bands that write original music. It's not like the genre acts as a whole.