Deathspell Omega - Fas- Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum

Well, let's just say that Kénôse is an easy-listening :p
I'm prepared to mimic this sentiment and state of mind later this evening.

Downloading now, and stepping out to blaze in 5...4...3...2...

Heh. The album was nuts in that state of mind... smoked some of the old mans thai shit. Felt like I was gonna rip my own heart out at one point, haha.
1st impression:
- too chaotic
- the riffs seems to go nowhere
- the dynamics are too obvious
- no matter how much echo and reverb are added to the vocals, they still sounds lame
- the vocal lines need more variations.
Yeh after two listens, im kind of uncertain on it. It's chaotic but seems like they have tried to hard to do so. I need to give it more listening time i'll give it it has its moments, but after i listened to it a second time i turned on SMR'C and was far more impressed.
I've resisted the urge to listen until I receive my copies from Ajna. I didn't care much for Kenose so I'm very interested to see where they take this one. Aside from your comments here, I have also avoided all reviews.

On a side note: I just farted and it sounded like this noise you hear on cartoons all the time but I can't place when you would normally hear it. Damn.
Looks to be a very polarizing disc based on the comments so far - I'm anxious to check it out.

me too. of course, with a band like DsO you might come to expect that kind of polarized reaction to any new's either going to fulfill or not fulfill high expectations, and that's just setting it up for a "love it or hate it" reaction.

pretty much all their stuff is new to me though, so i think i benefit from having few expectations as to what it'll sound like. can't wait :rock: