Yeah, but no one is denying that South of Heaven is a thrash album afaik, so that's besides the point.
One example regarding Ride the Lightning, btw
I don't deny that Metallica and Megadeth can be called thrash bands, but the fact of the matter is that they have many songs that cannot be called thrash at all, to the contrary of what a certain butthurt Armenian may feel and no matter their "big 4" status (which was something constructed in the later 80s and is basically irrelevant).
^Can you two try to put into words what defines thrash in general?
Arguing over Megadeth/Metallica songs even if this ever comes to a conclusion would give us too narrow a definition. But what makes one song thrash and another not?
Obviously, if it's awesome it must be thrash and if it's generic it must not be. That makes total sense. Once again, try and learn what thrash music actually is. Here's a hint: it's NOT defined as something for some 30 year old dude on the internet to dickwave over.
One example regarding Ride the Lightning, btw
They basically say that it's a sellout because there are acoustic guitars in some songs. It's exactly the same thing as I was saying about South of Heaven. I don't think the reviewer there said anything about RtL not being a thrash album.
So what's the point? Sabbra Cadabra is a feelgood rockin ditty about 'lovin' but Sabbath are still a heavy metal band and that song was released at the height of their 'metalness'.
Ummm, did i say that Exodus track wasnt thrash? READING COMPREHENSIONZ BRUH!
HMM. So where in that whole article/review did they question wether that album was "thrashy enough"? Was the word even mentioned once? Oh shit, i forgot, reading doesnt seem to be one of your strongpoints. The guy was basically mad that RtL wasn't as fast as he wanted it to be.
and now you've turned it into "you're dickwaving"?:lol. I don't want to keep ruining threads because you seem to not want to let go of this nonsense. We're done here.
I'm trying not to go any further with this bullshit but you obviously cant stop pushing it can you? Go find your little boyfriend and stick your cocks up champagne bottles or whatever it is you faggots do together.
I SAID BABY METAL IS WHAT I NEEDSlut Metal: Any style of music that depicts scantily-clad vixens with big hair, tight pants, and questionable morals. Usually of the blackend punk/thrash vibe, but available to any other style of music that mentions girls on their knees receiving thy evil seed. Made popular by the likes of Midnight, The Mentors, Motley Crue, and Black Sabbath.
You should shut the fuck up. It pains me to agree with you in any way. Your chest-beating and herp-derping is, as usual, doing nothing for the discussion. You're making yourself look like a fool. Again.
^Can you two try to put into words what defines thrash in general?
Arguing over Megadeth/Metallica songs even if this ever comes to a conclusion would give us too narrow a definition. But what makes one song thrash and another not?
Ok, so this is totally not meant to be a continuation of the bullshit in the controversial thread or meant to be yet another shit storm to plague this forum. Because, while I cant speak for others here, I can speak for myself when I say while it *was* mildy amusing to see the bickering and ranting, but now its past the point of mild amusement and crossed into fucking annoying territory. So that is not my intention for this thread.
Anyhow, let me try and get us back on track.
(Yes, Im using Wikipedia)
Thrash metal is a sub-genre of heavy metal that is characterized most typically by its fast tempo and aggression. Thrash metal songs typically use fast percussive beats and fast, low-register guitar riffs, overlaid with shredding-style lead work.[1] Lyrically, thrash metal songs often deal with social issues and reproach for The Establishment, often using direct and denunciatory language, an approach which partially overlaps with the hardcore genre.
This is a definition of thrash metal. Accurate? Maybe. Cliche? A bit. Generic and not really helpful? Totally.
Fast tempo and aggression.
Ok, that doesnt help me. Power-violence has an aggressive and fast tempo...
Fast percussive beats
Once again does nothing for me.
Low register guitar riffs
No idea what that means
Overlaid with shredding-style lead work.
Ok, got that.
So basically what I got from this is that its a fast, aggressive style of metal that have a lot of shredding lead guitar work, fast drum beats, and share similar lines to hardcore for their political lyrical content and presentation.
But this really inst too descriptive and im not sure its accurate.
Maybe what I want out of this thread is impossible because im trying to have us help define what these genres of music are in understandable and accurate terms. And maybe thats not possible. One, because some of us cant communicate like adults, or two because this is too hard of a task.
Did you read my definition? I think it is at least a bit more descriptive than 'fast percussive beats'. Feel free to debate my points i'm more than willing to debate them like an adult here.
I would honestly like to make my definition more specific, it might be too general still. There is a very specific drumbeat i'm talking about for thrash. Fast tempo, snare or cymbal on the offbeat consistently, usually snare. Double bass on the beat. Or repeated double bass runs. See Metallica - Dyer's Eve drumming. Very very many bands seem to borrow this beat to great success, I feel it's one the 'moshiest' of beats.
I've maintained that Megadeth overall are mid-paced thrash and they do have some pure thrash songs as well. I'll leave it at that. I don't think this thread is meant to discuss individual bands.
Here's how I roundabout defined thrash in the other thread:
"It's that insistent repetitive snare and double bass drumming (the beat is very important). Choppy fast moving guitar riffs with some palm muting thrown in. Punk-like vocals with lyrics about war and rebellion and evil and shit. Good example from the 80's would be Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare for full on thrash." I'd also add that the majority of thrash songs probably include guitar solos.
I don't know how to write a precise definition of any genre. But we can list common elements that are within a genre to start.
Totally bypassed this post, thanks for the follow up because you actually got the point of the thread.
Yeah that helped. Ill check out that Vio-lence album later, but I got what you mean about with Dyers Eve song.
I got what you mean about the drum beat, im not sure if I agree on the guitar work (not sure if I can comment on it either because im not well versed in thrash).
Choppy would refer to the palm muting, or choppy like a galloping riff style? Can you give me an example?
Those are some wide lyrical ranges too. Evil to political? I feel like the evil shit is what seems more pure to the genre standard, and political content seems to deviate and gravitate more towards the punk/hardcore side of things. Which is a no no (to metal purists).
I honestly think that pure thrash was heavily influenced by hardcore punk. It's sort of the perfect blend of heavy/speed metal and punk. See the band D.R.I. or similar. The lyrics do often wax political. See Havok - Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, See tons of Megadeth songs. Many Metallica songs as well. See Hexen's albums, etc etc. Social commentary is also very common. How fucked up the world is, I love those kinds of lyrics in thrash. The more 'evil' stuff I feel is not as common outside of like Slayer and some wannabes.
Using that drumbeat again... yet heavily influenced by punk in my opinion, some might call it crossover thrash, but it still has elements of pure thrash mixed in:
There are still plenty of thrash songs that don't have it though imo.
I have a feeling you might be right, but can you give us some specific examples to analyze?