desperate GOP scrapes for ways to smear Obama

why do you think it's the presence of american troops that are preventing terrorism? Are suicide bombers afraid of getting caught now?
Just keeping US troops there is not a viable solution, and there really is no end in sight.

Thousands of people! My god! That's SO MANY!
Yes, it's a tragedy, but there are 300 million people in America. Try and keep a sense of scale.


there is alot more than suicide bombers. you might want to actually know what youre talking about before you try and argue with me on this.

are you actually saying that its ok those people died? does scale really matter when it comes to life? i think you just proved youre an idiot

and you shouldnt hit yourself, you might get hurt.

:lol: gold star for Zeph today! :lol:
It really doesn't matter, the democrats are similarly puppets of the corporate class. They are the lesser of two evils I agree, but their ideology is so close to that of the republicans in the first place that it doesn't make a difference, the rich will continue to get richer, faster, while the poor will be left behind as social programs become eroded to an eventual unreturnable threshold in the name of global capitalism and 'free trade'.

Making things worse, the American Empire will develop further along the police-state path than it already has. Not only will education standards and accessibility to healthcare continue to plummet, but violent crime will rise--giving whoever governs the 'consent' by the people to destroy their basic human rights of privacy and the right to a fair trial.

The American Military and all its unofficial arms is by far the largest terrorist organization in the world, and anyone who denies this is truly lost to the lies that the corporate media (i.e. propaganda arm of the governing body) spreads.

All in all, I'd say it is not looking good for the survival of democracy and plight of the working and middle class of America as they continue to be deceived by societal elites for matters of mere profit.
Withdrawing support.
You're as bad as gR.

there is alot more than suicide bombers. you might want to actually know what youre talking about before you try and argue with me on this.

are you actually saying that its ok those people died? does scale really matter when it comes to life? i think you just proved youre an idiot

and you shouldnt hit yourself, you might get hurt.
I'm well aware there are armed militia. People are going to get killed no matter what we do. I think at this point America needs to act in its own interests instead of playing fucking world police. Yes, it's fucking immoral, but whatever. American presence in the middle east is like throwing food at the cockroaches in the hopes that you'll crush them. NOT going to work. We're just fucking ourselves in the ass. As for some point we're going to have to leave and I don't see any future in which our leaving does not severely destabilize the country, resulting in increased sectarian violence. That said, you'll notice Obama's plan was not that the Iraqis wake up one day and all the US troops are suddenly gone. Ease them out. Either way it's gonna get messy, but it'll be over quicker. No sense prolonging this.

As for the 3000 or so people who died, yes, it's a tragedy. But more people die for lots of stupid reasons. That's what you have to realize. Thousands die every year waiting in the emergency room for surgery because the doctors are tied up in unnecessary C-sections and other frivolous operations. Should we have a war on unnecessary surgery? Death Aflame already made this point but I doubt you actually read his post, or if you did I doubt you even considered that he might have a point.
so now c sections are frivolous? bringing an innocent child into the world is frivolous?

dude, seriously... stop
Frivolous C-sections, rather than all c-sections being frivolous. Are you aware of what a c-section actually is?
so now c sections are frivolous? bringing an innocent child into the world is frivolous?

dude, seriously... stop

Or maybe you should consider a course in Reading Comprehension 101, because you completely and utterly missed the point of what he was saying.
nah, i understood what he said. but when someone starts saying stupid shit like that, i just choose not to get involved in an (attempted) intelligent debate with them.
It wasn't stupid.

Many women choose to have C-sections when there is absolutely no reason they couldn't give birth normally and their doctor does not advise it.
This ties up surgeons.
Then when someone who's been stabbed comes in dying there's no surgeon and they're fucked.
advice from a doctor probably means something...

just sayin...

i'm done with this. this thread was destined to start a political argument. and no one will ever convince the other side theyre wrong. i know im right, you dont, end...
nah, i understood what he said. but when someone starts saying stupid shit like that, i just choose not to get involved in an (attempted) intelligent debate with them.

Selecting insignificant analogies from a post and arguing about those instead of the actual point being made is a weird way to "not get involved in a debate".
Withdrawing support.
You're as bad as gR.

So by your estimates, democracy is in a good state in America? You have two fucking political parties purporting to express the views of all 300 million Americans. And not only is this extremely problematic, but so is the deceit and misinformation spread by the corporatized media that are merely arms of social elites (again 90% of the wealth in America is controlled by 1% of the population).

Go read something like James Winter's Lies the Media Tell Us and get back to me.

Moreover, if you are referring to my accusations of America as Empire or Cultural Imperialist, look at this, for starters: