desperate GOP scrapes for ways to smear Obama

So by your estimates, democracy is in a good state in America? You have two fucking political parties purporting to express the views of all 300 million Americans. And not only is this extremely problematic, but so is the deceit and misinformation spread by the corporatized media that are merely arms of social elites (again 90% of the wealth in America is controlled by 1% of the population).

Go read something like James Winter's Lies the Media Tell Us and get back to me.

Moreover, if you are referring to my accusations of America as Empire or Cultural Imperialist, look at this, for starters:

I find it amusing that you single out the U.S. as uniquely backwards in terms of political freedom. The level of freedom in the U.S. is at least comparable to other developed countries - and considering the recent news about how the UK is planning to systematically spy on the phone conversations, e-mail, and web browsing of it's entire fucking population, I'd say there are far more significant threats to existing freedom out there than in the U.S.
that and theres the Obama - Ayers bullshit.

I've highlighted the key word for you. The only thing Obama has to do with Ayers is that they served on a fucking educational committee together in Chicago. Obama was a fucking child when Ayers was active in the terrorist group. Do you have anything to say against Obama that isn't fed to you straight from McCain and Palin's campaign propaganda, you walnut-brained moron?
I find it amusing that you single out the U.S. as uniquely backwards in terms of political freedom. The level of freedom in the U.S. is at least comparable to other developed countries - and considering the recent news about how the UK is planning to systematically spy on the phone conversations, e-mail, and web browsing of it's entire fucking population, I'd say there are far more significant threats to existing freedom out there than in the U.S.

The US has already enacted all these measures or at least measures of a similar gravity (i.e. The Patriot Act). The fact that it is spreading to other developed nations is indeed troubling if true.
I've highlighted the key word for you. The only thing Obama has to do with Ayers is that they served on a fucking educational committee together in Chicago. Obama was a fucking child when Ayers was active in the terrorist group. Do you have anything to say against Obama that isn't fed to you straight from McCain and Palin's campaign propaganda, you walnut-brained moron?


So when McCain dies of a stroke in 6 months we'll be stuck with President Palin.
EXCELLENT! The very fact that he picked someone with so little experience tells me that his judgement is way off. If he is way off on such an important thing as this... well you can see where I'm going with this.
I've highlighted the key word for you. The only thing Obama has to do with Ayers is that they served on a fucking educational committee together in Chicago. Obama was a fucking child when Ayers was active in the terrorist group. Do you have anything to say against Obama that isn't fed to you straight from McCain and Palin's campaign propaganda, you walnut-brained moron?

The fact that McPalin even brought that up shows how desperate and utterly pathetic they are.
Yeah, that was kinda the whole point of this thread. Of course, that doesn't stop Krig from taking Sarah Palin's word over simple logic.
Yeah, that was kinda the whole point of this thread. Of course, that doesn't stop Krig from taking Sarah Palin's word over simple logic.

It's ironic considering how anti-christian Krig is and how much of a fundie Palin is. She'll do wonders for Science education in this country I'm sure. :lol:
It's ironic considering how anti-christian Krig is and how much of a fundie Palin is. She'll do wonders for Science education in this country I'm sure. :lol:

As long as she makes it easier for Krig to buy guns, that's a trifling concern.
I'll take that over Obama.
Im not sure why I even post in political threads. Its full of nothing but liberals.

Or because you consistently get owned in debate due to not having a single ounce of logic behind what you say. Maybe you should try actually using your brain instead of worrying about whether someone's a conservative or liberal.
It amazes me how someone could support a Campaign so stubbornly who obviously is ignoring the real issues (they even said it themselves) to attack Obama as if he were the anti christ in disguise. It's the disgusting side of politics that most americans who graduated junior high are sick of. If McCain win's this election Im moving to mexico. I don't want some stupid hick bitch who wants more power as a vp to rule over me.