desperate GOP scrapes for ways to smear Obama

Is that all you dipshits can do, sling mud?
"oh my god! how dare you not vote for the Messiah!!!"

bye :wave:

so it's ok for for McPalin to make up bullshit about Obama having 'connections' to terrorists but when we point out Palin's inexperience and downright backwards worldview we are dipshits? come on krig... :rolleyes:
Is that all you dipshits can do, sling mud?
"oh my god! how dare you not vote for the Messiah!!!"

bye :wave:

Look, I know there are a lot of idiots here like Xorv who spend about as much time flaming conservatives as actually debating with them, but there are plenty of legitimate points here which you clearly aren't responding to, so don't use that "all you do is sling mud" line as an excuse to duck out of this debate.
Look, I know there are a lot of idiots here like Xorv who spend about as much time flaming conservatives as actually debating with them, but there are plenty of legitimate points here which you clearly aren't responding to, so don't use that "all you do is sling mud" line as an excuse to duck out of this debate.

:lol: I bet I'm alot smarter than you think and have the debating skillz to match. Don't mess with me right now I don't feel like ripping you a new one.

Conservatives are, well, conservatives, hence the name. Stubbon and one sided is their game. If you could change a conservatives opinion you should probably apply for a party in the foreign relation committee.
I didn't say you're not capable of debating, but throwing insults half the time is a pretty immature thing to do, and suggests that you are insecure enough about your point that you have to throw low blows to get it across.

At least Palin is a Governor. She has more experience running a "place" than any of the other three in this race. Yeah, if she has to take over, there will be concerns, but to me the concerns I have about Liberal Messiah Obama are much more serious.
At least Palin is a Governor. She has more experience running a "place" than any of the other three in this race. Yeah, if she has to take over, there will be concerns, but to me the concerns I have about Liberal Messiah Obama are much more serious.

You're just wrong. She was the governor of a pointless state, she clearly has NO FUCKING IDEA what she's talking about EVER, etc...just...go away. If people still think McCain/Palin is a good ticket they should go sit at home and watch Fox and do NOTHING else, because they are the fools of the fucking world right now.

I love how people keep saying Obama is going to raise taxes despite what he's said and all the proof that he ISN'T RAISING TAXES FOR THE LOWER AND MIDDLE CLASSES YOU BUNCH OF DUMB FAG CONSERVATIVES.


Good proof.

I am voting for McCain. He is a qualified leader. Almost as much as I am voting for McCain, I am voting against mESSIAH O. He's the opposite of what this country needs.

Alaska is not a pointless state. Plus, the truth is, Governors have always become presidents. Senators have not. I am not saying a Senator can't, but being the leader of a place IS experience.
Yeah, but the policy of only raising taxes on incomes over 250,000 dollars actually hurts the majority of small businesses (which he is trying to 'help' supposedly)
America is stupidly obsessed with experience. I don't think Palin sucks because she has no experience. I have a million other choices to pick from as to why she sucks...McCain became a caricature after "suspending" his debate to sit around AND DO FUCKING NOTHING.
America is not stupidly obsessed with experience. Experience is an important thing to consider when hiring for any position. History is what tells us that Governors have been presidents, and not Senators. It's not as rule, it's just common sense.

What America is currently stupidly obsessed with is mESSIAH oBAMA. Suddenly, because of Obama, experience is now seen as unnecessary.

Besides, aren't you listening? I am not in love with Palin. I am madly in anger with your mESSIAH and do not want him to ruin the USA.
Why the hell are you spelling it that way? People purposely changing candidates' names invalidates their points by making them look dumb.

He's not going to fucking ruin the USA. My friend Kevin, who is a poli sci major, is extremely non-partisan, he constantly challenges people's views on conservativism and liberalism, and was a McCain supporter until he realized all of the stupid, bad decisions John made over the campaign (random pick for VP, ducking out of campaign to "HELP ECONOMY", failing over and over again to deliver any kind of real "maverick" usefulness that actually would have made him a good candidate had he not abandoned it halfway through to sellout and get voters) and is now an Obama supporter. I think it's dumb to play partisan politics as it cheapens the entire thing. But you DO have to think about what is best for the country, and Obama plans on doing things that WILL help the country. We don't need another 4+ years of failure in the White House.
the fuck kind of experience do you need as a president.

Oh look, I can veto/pass a bill. Fucking hard.

Oh look, I can appoint Supreme Court Justices. Fucking hard.

Oh look, I can enforce laws over the country. Fucking hard.