Digging up the answers from you all!

Originally posted by Wanderingblade
mousie: good luck with them. and I won't be significantly younger... :p
Well, you'll still be younger. :p

Thanks. :) After posting a bit more, I'm leaving now. :(
Other random facts about me:

1: if i have to bring with me a lot of things, for example books,sheets,jacket..when i transfer from a classroom to another at school they all have to be in one hand (right one) the other must be free, possibly in my pocket

2: sometimes i need to know the time, i watch the clock..i continue to watch it for almost a minute, when i take my eyes off of it i still don't know the hour

3: same goes sometimes when someone tells me something quite important to remember, i know i should listen but i don't stop the flood of my random thoughts and i don't listen :goggly:

4: i often don't know what to say in some situations, so i completely shut up or i say stupid things and i'm even more embarrassed, this happens expecially when i meet new people

5: i'm working on the thing mentioned right above :s
Other random facts you didn't want to know :grin:
1. At graduation as well as getting the prize for highest computing grade percentage for my year, I also got the 'most likely to be deported for crimes against the state' award.
2. I find the work of Tim Burton and Jhonen Vasquez (aka Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) very amusing *cough* closet goth *cough
3. When I'm reading something, or concentrating, people have to literally scream and wave their hands in my face to get my attention.
4. If I ever see a arcade game that has a gun attached to the front, I HAVE to play it (time crisis 2 and silent scope in particular).
5. I make a good friend, but at best an indifferent enemy, because I find it impossible to hold a grudge.
Originally posted by Dark_Jester

3. When I'm reading something, or concentrating, people have to literally scream and wave their hands in my face to get my attention.

oh, no, no. my mom is like that... i have spent my first 15 years convincing myself that she doesn't do that intentionally on counts of not caring enough about me, she just lives in her own world when she is reading or watching sports or something... awww :ill:

1. You gender? (You can check from downstairs if you can´t recall)


2. Your real first name is?

Pete. Or Petey, depending on who you ask *coughyenacough*

3. You pollute the air of which country?

I pollute nothing. The country blessed by my wonderful, beautiful and not at all arrogant precence is England.

4. How old were you when you started to listen metal? (You chech it from you treatment-diary,
which is on you personal doctor)


5. Are you a racist?

Yup... Marathon, the Mile, 400m I like em all:p. Oh wait. Do I discriminate against different races? No, only individuals.

6. Have ever had sex under 10 years-old-child?


7. Your religional status is?


8. Your stance to anal sex?

Behind the other person :p Giving to women only, and only if they want to...

9. How old are you?

Physically: 16
Mentally: 2
Cynically: Christ knows... or he would if he'd been around longer than 2000 years :p

10. * What do you think that is the best album of Dark Tranquillity?

Damage Done... or the Gallery... or Projector... possibly the Mind's I. Good as it gets...

11. * Do you think that Niklas Sundin is starting to lose his hair.

Merely his sanity

12. * Does "speech defect" of Mikael Stanne irratate you. (With letter J.)

Hah! Call that a speech defect? Try the accents where i live. Mikael has nothing on them. So... no.

13. * Have you ever seen Dark Tranquillity live?

In the Garage.

14. Do you think that this thread is useless?

Its as useless as your existance mr. reader. well... depends who reads it.

15. How you would descripe yourself to total stranger.

Exactly the same as I'd describe myself to most you lot. I wouldn't.

16. Do play any instrument?

Vocals, guitar.

17. Why you are here (in the Dark Tranquillity forum)?

What is this? The thought police?!! Since when did I need a reason...

18. Are you tired with these questions already?

I'm just tired.

19. What would you be your title in UM if wanted one?

See the one I've got?

20. How many years consideres your aeon? (Reason to this
question: I don´t know)


21. Should everyone be jealous for you?

Yes and no.

22. Would you suffer eternally or internally?


23. * Do you think that lyrics of Drunken red-beard pirate are
impossible to understand totally?

Yes, because only Drunken red-beard pirate understands exactly what he meant. Ask me another!

24. If Rahvin was nominated as Emperor of world with rights of dictator how you would use
your vote?

I'd vote that he gets back down his mine and forget it.

25. * What do you think about artwork of Bald caffeine-overdoser pirate?

Was he doing artwork or masturbation material? :p

26. If you have a ride with horse will you do it with normal way or american way?

I'd eat the bugger.

27. If you commit a suicide, how do you do it?

Go out and kill people until I'm taken down.

28. Which do you find attracting; Females or males?


29. Do you understand what do I (RealHazard) mean with drunken pirate thing or are you an idiot?

I do understand fucktard. Ask me another.

30. Your stance to loving with hands (aka. Fist-fu***ng)

Fist-fucking = no.
All the other types of loving with hands (masturbation, caressing, feeling etc.etc.) are good.

31. Do you use lots of nasty words like fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...

It ain't nasty if I say it motherfucker :p

32. What do you do with your mouth?

Eat, growl, talk, breath, abuse

33. What languages do you understand? (At least little bit)

English. Supposedly Latin, German and French.

34. Have you ever swallowed half lenght wiener? (Just wiener, I don´t mean willy now..)


35. Do you have instant messanger? If have, the number is...?

wanderingblade@hotmail.com - msn

36. Are you little bit perwert?

little doesn't cover it.

37. Are you expecting more questions???

Expect the unexpected
Originally posted by Hiljainen
Other random facts about me:
2: sometimes i need to know the time, i watch the clock..i continue to watch it for almost a minute, when i take my eyes off of it i still don't know the hour

3: same goes sometimes when someone tells me something quite important to remember, i know i should listen but i don't stop the flood of my random thoughts and i don't listen :goggly:


I do that too. I'll find myself staring at the clock, after looking at it to see what time it is... and just watch it for a minute or 3. Then I'll look away, and won't even remember what time it is. :loco:

And sometimes, if I'm busy, I'll have a complete conversation with someone, and not remember a single word... They'll tell me something, I'll respond, and especially when it's concerning finding something out, or having to do something, I'll agree, then next time they ask me about it, I'll have no recollection of it whatsoever.

An my reply is "you know you have to make sure you have my attention when you tell me something like that.... "

:lol: :guh:

Anyways, to continue this thread...

Some random facts about me:

1. I want to be a perfectionist, but in the end, it just doesn't really matter... I'll go out and do any given task to perfection, UNTIL I run into a difficulty, then I'll just complete it best I can... so up to one point, I'll be doing my task meticulously, then at another, just well enough to be done well, but at a completely different level of attention to detail. (if that makes sense) :loco:

2. I need to know where I stand with everyone, and I'm always asserting myself, letting everyone know where they stand with me, and when I don't recieve the same treatment in return, I get confrontational. Co-workers and people working under me hate this for the first few months of knowing me, cause I'm always pointing out mistakes (but complimenting where appropriate, though no one ever notices that :p), being bluntly honest, and letting them know where I stand. Though, after a few months, I'm respected for the same traits, because they realize I'm being fair, very honest, and they know where they stand with me. The transion between these two phases is generally rough, and I've lost a few employees and friends during this transition.

3. I don't hold grudges. Once I speak my mind, I'm generally devoid of the problems that once bothered me. I don't hold in my opinions, feelings, or problems, and tend to work them out, and once they're aired, I'm over it... That doesn't mean I can't or don't hate or dislike people sometimes.

4. I hate rude and intolerant people. I tend to be very reactive to people like this. I'm not afraid to speak out my opinion, and when someone is being rude or impolite, I point that fact out to them rather bluntly. Like I was in line at UPS probably last year, some guy kept on bitching and complaining about his package not being there, when clearly it shouldn't have been... I told him to stop yelling cause it was pissing me off. He turned around, asked what business of it was mine, and I said, I'm standing behind you listening to you bitch and whine, and that's putting me in a bad mood, so shut the fuck up, because I have to be in this line (for work) and I don't want to hear it.

5. I tend to be affected by the people I'm around. If I hang out with happy people, I'm happy, if I hang out with depressing people, I get depressed. I think I'm affected by my surroundings more than I realize.

6. I'm a very giving and sharing person. As a matter of fact, I really get my kicks out of giving and sharing. Until I think I'm being taken for granted. I've given money to homeless people on numerous occassions, help out my friends by lending them money (which I usually always get back too, even large sums), and I'm always there to do a favor... help move, pick them up and give them a ride, etc...

7. Hmm... off to get ready for band practice... may add some more later. :p

The results for my test....

Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High
These are my test's results...Can anyone suggest me some good psychologist?!


Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

10 useless thoughts about me: :p

1. i love spicy food. if something makes my throat burn, then it's good. :grin:
2. usually i drink water. for some strange reason if i'm ill i start drinking only 7up. :spin:
3. i am arachnophobic. if i see a spider i scream histerically for some minutes and i won't be calm for about half an hour. :eek:
4. i have the myth of england. i think england is the best place in the world, probably 'cause i spend there part of my summer holidays every year. i listen to the english national anthem at least once a day. :grin:
5. i love cats. cats are the cutest and most intelligent animals in the world. :cool:
6. i am very shy. i don't feel comfortable when i get to know new people. i'm always afraid of saying something wrong, so most of the times i keep my mouth shut. :s
7. i always need to know what time it is. i don't have a watch and i don't want it, so i ask people what time it is quite often. :grin:
8. i don't like going to the cinema. :loco:
9. when i'm busy i always plan to do many things. when i'm finally free to do what i planned, i discover i'm too lazy to do anything. :rolleyes:
10. i need to put a smilie at the end of every sentence. :grin:

Originally posted by Miolo

3. i am arachnophobic. if i see a spider i scream histerically for some minutes and i won't be calm for about half an hour. :eek:

5. i love cats. cats are the cutest and most intelligent animals in the world. :cool:

6. i am very shy. i don't feel comfortable when i get to know new people. i'm always afraid of saying something wrong, so most of the times i keep my mouth shut. :s


:D same here: shy, cat-lover and aaaahhh if i see a spider i can scream loud and run veryvery fast! and moreover all the abandoned garages around here seem the ideal habitat for elephantine spiders :yow:
1. I like spiders :p, I used to own a Rose Hair Tarantula.

2. I would much rather have a dog for company that some stupid cat that is a stupid head. :p :p

3. I am very educated in way of defending yourself. I even had to teach some of my co-workers basic holds and take down when I first got my job.

4. My hair looks like a wig at the moment. When it gets long to the point where I can "style" it, I cant decide what to do with it :D. Alot of people say it looks like a wig sometimes.

5. I cant stand the sight or feel of paper cuts. They make me cringe every time I see one. :(

6. Im hungry. :(

Nick :) :) :) :) :)
Sigh, ain't life a disappointment when you find out that you're NOT a homicidal maniac planning on killing your best friend and eating his face? I know I was crushed, couldn't smile for days ;)
@hearse -> i would like to point out that maybe you don't listen to a band on account of the mere fact that they have long hair, but some metalheads definitely do :)
