Digging up the answers from you all!

I took 14 in the serial killer test, and now I always feel I'm stalking myself...it's damn scary!!! ;)

now for the ten facts about myself...uhmmmm let me scratch my head...

1: When I was just 5 months I nearly died for an intestine malfunction...now I have a big scar in my stomach as a souvenir from the hospital

5: I lived in Mexico for 8 years of my life

4: I used to be a football supporter and player for almost the 87% of my life

9: I'm a tea addict and I have 17 different sorts in the cupboard

7: I'm madly in love and I would/will leave it all for the one I love

2: I'm hooked on spicey food up to the level of insanity

6: I love quoting Futurama and Pratchett all the time, the problem is that I just can do it with some friends or the only one who laughs is me...

10: I could survive with coke and doritos for the rest of my life

3: I have problems to know which is left and which is right when I'm asked on the spot. I have to think about it and then try to not say it wrongly

8: I always had trouble in counting in order from 1 to 10 :goggly:

fv (a bit of me)
10 random facts:

1.i have trouble with stuff like east-west,left-right etc etc and i always need a few seconds to work it out...generally i think i have a trouble with assessing distances,space etc etc and thus i will be a horrible driver.....

2.I have a driving license,yet never drive...and anyway if i did i would be a horrible driver

3.i am addicted to tea and infusions....have several sorts in my cupboard

4.i love marzipan

5.i want to learn icelandic

6.i still have the hello-kitty paper collection i had when i was a kid...and from times to times i can send stickers to innocent people :loco:

7.macho men piss me off

8.i still think it would be cool to become a psychotherapist.... sometimes you can get to listen very interesting stuff :grin:

9.lately i've developed the perversion of watching a bit of some reality shows....... interesting stuff for psychology students (hehe my typical lame excuse ) :rolleyes:

10.I'm madly in love and I would/will leave it all for the one I love
@lantis... Well, you´ve got ten days or something, you´d better hurry if you want the present as a christmas gift...:D It is on my shelf waiting for you...:)

-phyros ( santa )
Bubblor och skum? Betyder det att du tar ett bad, eller att du dricker julmust :confused: Ett bad skulle iofs sitta ganska bra nu...:grin:

-phyros ( over and out )
1. You gender? (You can check from downstairs if you can´t recall)
2. Your real first name is?
3. You pollute the air of which country?
4. How old were you when you started to listen metal? (You chech it from you treatment-diary,
which is on you personal doctor)

5. Are you a racist? No

6. Have ever had sex under 10 years-old-child?
I can’t remember

7. Your religional status is?
I have my own religion, my own theory about from where human race comes from
and as I don’t try to make others get into it and make money out of It so I won’t call it a religion.
8. Your stance to anal sex?
Not into it.

9. How old are you?
22 years, 5 months, 25 days
10. * What do you think that is the best album of Dark Tranquillity?
Gallery is really impressive .Projector has a very strong atmosphere, a tie!

11. * Do you think that Niklas Sundin is starting to lose his hair.
12. * Does "speech defect" of Mikael Stanne irratate you. (With letter J.)
13. * Have you ever seen Dark Tranquillity live?
Once, 2 years ago
14. Do you think that this thread is useless?
No, I’m actually finding myself whilst filling it

15. How you would descripe yourself to total stranger.
human being trying to make the best out of this existence

16. Do play any instrument?
17. Why you are here (in the Dark Tranquillity forum)?
I wanted to check out the tour dates and then I found this section, I wanted to see what other fans write. Actually I think you are smart people so I decided to writte down my thoughts and try to be friendly with you all from now on.

18. Are you tired with these questions already?
Not yet
19. What would you be your title in UM if wanted one?
i don't know
20. How many years consideres your aeon? (Reason to this
question: I don´t know)
Don’t know
21. Should everyone be jealous for you?
nothing that I recall

22. Would you suffer eternally or internally?

23. * Do you think that lyrics of Drunken red-beard pirate are
impossible to understand totally?
never listened ot it

24. If Rahvin was nominated as Emperor of world with rights of dictator how you would use
your vote? Of course!

25. * What do you think about artwork of Bald caffeine-overdoser pirate?
Don’t know
26. If you have a ride with horse will you do it with normal way or american way?
normal way
27. If you commit a suicide, how do you do it?
Drown in blood or go to a dangerous place where someone will kill me

28. Which do you find attracting; Females or males?

29. Do you understand what do I (RealHazard) mean with drunken pirate thing or are you an idiot?
I understand, I’m an idiot sometimes

30. Your stance to loving with hands (aka. Fist-fu***ng)
Not into that but I think would be fun ;)

31. Do you use lots of nasty words like fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...
not really, I can mean what I think with many other words.

32. What do you do with your mouth?
eat, kiss, speak my mind

33. What languages do you understand? (At least little bit)
Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish

34. Have you ever swallowed half lenght wiener? (Just wiener, I don´t mean willy now..) not yet

35. Do you have instant messanger? If have, the number is...?
icq, 41516349

36. Are you little bit perwert?
37. Are you expecting more questions???
Are you expecting more answers?
@RH: Awww you're nasty...
I'm pretty sure my parents still remember me, i tend to be noisy. :p