Dimmu Borgir

Originally posted by Pentelesh
Okey; tell me why Dimmu Borgir aint Black Metal, what metal do they play, and how do you classify black metal?

just listen Dimmu and then Darkthrone, Taake, old Gorgoroth...
Originally posted by Soulburner
1. Dimmu Borgir isn't black metal band.

2. Graveworm are doing much better music in pretty much the same style...

1. I fucking hate that!!! who the fuck cares if they are black metal or not??? I love them, I like all of their albums from For All Tid until Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, this one is simply a masterpiece! I couldn't care less how you call it, but it's just very very good music.

2. FUCK NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!
I'd say atmospheric Black Metal,
but with the recent addition of Simen's clean vocals, power metal,
mmm, ehehe atmospheric power metal ?
gothic extreme metal...but enough with creating a zillion sub-genres of sub-genres.....thats what Relapse Records PR departments is for ("This is PsychoanimalisticneoheathensemipaganisticvikingOdhinisticpunkspazzgrindjumprockcoreblues Metal")