Dimmu Borgir

Originally posted by Lordenlil

:lol: :lol:
That picture is quite old. It seems like you don't have anything smart to say, so why not just shut up. Or try to be a bit more original.
@Sadistik; Lordenlil: Don't mention Stanne again or i will cut you into pieces. With knives that cut deep.
Truly. It's funny how all these trendies just lapse into silly childishness when somebody expresses a different opinion.
We have given nothing but disciplined argument, and shown our hate for all this trendy shit, never stooping down to irrelevant personal slander. Your incredibly juvenile attempts at insulting us are all but laughable. We will ignore.
No fool. The thing on the Opeth forum wasn't entirely serious. We knew that by taking our black metal attitude to the extreme, we would piss off the idiots frequenting the board. Nobody is that ignorant and close-minded. We stand by everything we've written on this forum however, and sell-outs like Mayhem and Satyricon truly disgust me. Maybe you should read the thing at the top of the page that reads "Norwegian metal" more closely. We have every right to express our opinions against the shit people here think passess off for black metal. If we get flamed for that, we can accept it. If you flame us, we will not turn the other cheek.

EDIT: Looks like you deleted your posts? Not man enough to stand by your words. I would also be ashamed if I posted crap like that. When you can't beat us with words, you threaten to beat us up instead.
Because it was all a mess, Lutz. What I really wanted to avoid
here. Opinions and pure mocking outbursts are two different
things, Orm. No I don't wanna beat you up either. ;)
Well it's not black metal. Power metal perhaps? I'm not a fan of categorization. Then again, I'm not a fan of Dimmu Borgir either.
I'm neither a fanatic die-hard fan, but this band's effective live, each one of their gig is good, it's worth enough to mention.
I however enjoy their atmospheric BM, because I don't listen to extreme stuff all the time.
Originally posted by Ormir
No fool. The thing on the Opeth forum wasn't entirely serious. We knew that by taking our black metal attitude to the extreme, we would piss off the idiots frequenting the board. Nobody is that ignorant and close-minded. We stand by everything we've written on this forum however, and sell-outs like Mayhem and Satyricon truly disgust me. Maybe you should read the thing at the top of the page that reads "Norwegian metal" more closely. We have every right to express our opinions against the shit people here think passess off for black metal. If we get flamed for that, we can accept it. If you flame us, we will not turn the other cheek.

Well, it indeed says Norwegian Metal on top, with incl. ALL genre of metal, of course...
As I said in the other thread, I do respect other opinions, but I can only give respect to those, who give respect to other opinion as well.

We do not need such ridiculous attitudes here,
and as I already said, if you come here for a ridicuous flame war, ask Mark to get a TRUE Black Metal board and do it there.

About idiots, well, most of all, you made one out of yourself!