Dimmu Borgir

Sorry somberlain, I edited my twist with your words, I don't feel "the band is crap." By the way, I love that album "Somberlain", Black Horizons is my favorite song.

requiem-I think Indoctrination is favorite song on Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia.
Originally posted by Profano
Anaal Nathrak is the best true Black Metal nowadays, total Mayhem style.

Megiddo and Countess kick the shit out of Anaal Nathrakh.

NP: ...and Oceans - Picturesque: Cataclysm Saviour: And The Little Things That Make Us Smile
Originally posted by MacMoney

Megiddo and Countess kick the shit out of Anaal Nathrakh.

NP: ...and Oceans - Picturesque: Cataclysm Saviour: And The Little Things That Make Us Smile

Their music would be the perfect soundtrack to Armageddon. It's Black Metal taken to the nth degree.

www.mp3.com/necrodeath or www.geocities.com/anaalnathrakh

The age of true NECRO has arrived!
Why is it that Brazilians these days seem to be running sooo late in the "true necro" all out evil that Norwegians had 10 years ago? They are trying to hard, America is similar but wasn't so late...
Brazilian Black Metal, the true grim cold metal of the south!! ;)
Originally posted by Profano

Their music would be the perfect soundtrack to Armageddon. It's Black Metal taken to the nth degree.

www.mp3.com/necrodeath or www.geocities.com/anaalnathrakh

The age of true NECRO has arrived!

Yes, I have heard Anaal Nathrakh and while they are good, there are better new bands in the scene.

Why is it that Brazilians these days seem to be running sooo late in the "true necro" all out evil that Norwegians had 10 years ago? They are trying to hard, America is similar but wasn't so late...

Because they were there 10 years ago but their scene is gaining fame just now outside the underground.

NP: Root - Pisen Pro Satana
how weird. i always thought dimmu borgir was a badass band. i think their newest release is really cool. especially the song hybrid stigmata-the apastosy (something of that nature). i mean to me, they are good black metal. i know there are better bands out there, but dimmu borgir have awesome vocals (highs, lows, and freakin church like vocals) machine like drumming and violins and stuff. i think they have only gotten better. to say they are NOT black metal is a wrong statement in my opionion. just because you dont like them doesnt mean they are not part of the genre you love. i dont like deicide, but they are death metal (one of my favorite catagories). so you see, you KNOW that dimmu borgir is black metal, they have every aspect that a black metal band does. its not all about lyrical content. and just because they have kick ass recording and it doesnt sound raw, doesnt diminish them from being black metal. black metal is a very unique sound and you know when you hear it, and dimmu borgir IS black metal.
I like just about everything you say there! If someone doesn't like a band then it doesn't mean a band isn't a genre when it is.

Personally, I don't know what all the fuss is about regarding Dimmu. I like the old stuff like Mayhem and Darthrone, and the new stuff like Dimmu and well.. Mayhem I guess. That is, without feeling it doesn't belong.

Look at death metal. Those bands range from Cannibal Corpse to Autopsy. Two completely different bands, yet they're both death metal.

As we say in Australia (and possibly elsewhere): Same shit, different bucket.
Originally posted by blowtorch
how weird. i always thought dimmu borgir was a badass band. i think their newest release is really cool. especially the song hybrid stigmata-the apastosy (something of that nature). i mean to me, they are good black metal. i know there are better bands out there, but dimmu borgir have awesome vocals (highs, lows, and freakin church like vocals) machine like drumming and violins and stuff. i think they have only gotten better. to say they are NOT black metal is a wrong statement in my opionion. just because you dont like them doesnt mean they are not part of the genre you love. i dont like deicide, but they are death metal (one of my favorite catagories). so you see, you KNOW that dimmu borgir is black metal, they have every aspect that a black metal band does. its not all about lyrical content. and just because they have kick ass recording and it doesnt sound raw, doesnt diminish them from being black metal. black metal is a very unique sound and you know when you hear it, and dimmu borgir IS black metal.

You've got a lot to learn about black metal. Dimmu Borgir is NOT black metal.
MacMoney, have you even heard Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia?

Check out 'Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny'. If that's not black metal, I'll go and... um... do something nasty.
Whatever the case, I just wish this thread was called something different. Everytime I look at the title it makes me shudder.. o_O
Originally posted by requiem
MacMoney, have you even heard Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia?

Check out 'Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny'. If that's not black metal, I'll go and... um... do something nasty.

Sorry, not black metal.

NP: Angel Witch - Free Man
Originally posted by phyre
Black metal is all about atmosphere... What can I say? Dimmu Borgir share a lot of musical elements with black metal bands but the new shit sounds too sterile and doesn't at all give me the "black metal" feeling. "Stormblåst" does though, that and "För All Tid" is definitely black metal in my eyes.

But the thing is, Phyre, the new Dimmu DOES give me that atmosphere that you're talking about. It sounds crisp and heavy, but not sterile to my ears. So whether they're black metal or not seems to come down to a matter of perception....

Like I've said heaps of times before, I don't see it like traditional black metal, but as an evolution that is still within the black metal framework.

I guess because there aren't any rules as far as genre definitions are concerned, we're both right. It comes down to personal intuition.
yeah dude, who cares what genre it is? if there were no classifications then dimmu borgir would just be a badass band. to the idiot who thinks he knows everything about music "you've got a lot to learn about black metal' dude your stupid. saying dimmu borgir isnt black metal doesn't make sense. thats like saying cannibal corpse isn't death metal. its a dumb statement. black metal is ambient music. and dimmu borgir is ambient. i'd like to know what catagory dimmu borgir is under, if not black metal. i know some dumb kid who thinks he's clever will say 'dur dimmu borgir is under the crap catagory' or something of that nature. in any case dimmu borgir have only improved in making music, i have 'stormblåst and i love it, and i also have 'puritanic euphoric misanthropia' and let me say that it is brilliant. nothing less. its heavy as hell black metal. i dont really think stormblåstwas that heavy, its had a cool mood. i thought PEM was heavy as hell...if getting better at the music you play is a bad thing then they are bad. but PEM is defienetly heavier and more catchy. the songs are recorded waaaay better and shagrath has improved on his vocals so much it doesnt even make sense. the drumming is like a machine and to say that they WERE black metal circa stormblåst and now just all of a sudden changed to a different style when they sound the same but heavier and better then your dumb.
Originally posted by blowtorch
yeah dude, who cares what genre it is? if there were no classifications then dimmu borgir would just be a badass band. to the idiot who thinks he knows everything about music "you've got a lot to learn about black metal' dude your stupid. saying dimmu borgir isnt black metal doesn't make sense. thats like saying cannibal corpse isn't death metal. its a dumb statement. black metal is ambient music. and dimmu borgir is ambient. i'd like to know what catagory dimmu borgir is under, if not black metal. i know some dumb kid who thinks he's clever will say 'dur dimmu borgir is under the crap catagory' or something of that nature. in any case dimmu borgir have only improved in making music, i have 'stormblåst and i love it, and i also have 'puritanic euphoric misanthropia' and let me say that it is brilliant. nothing less. its heavy as hell black metal. i dont really think stormblåstwas that heavy, its had a cool mood. i thought PEM was heavy as hell...if getting better at the music you play is a bad thing then they are bad. but PEM is defienetly heavier and more catchy. the songs are recorded waaaay better and shagrath has improved on his vocals so much it doesnt even make sense. the drumming is like a machine and to say that they WERE black metal circa stormblåst and now just all of a sudden changed to a different style when they sound the same but heavier and better then your dumb.

:lol: :lol: You've got a lot to learn about black metal.
ow great.. another one of theese "DB isnt black metal threads"
you know what
Stfu and get a life
the people that sitt here saying DB isnt black metal
are just stuck up sluts that has prolly never been to a metal concerts ever.
and btw Who gives a shit what fucking genre it is.. it fucking rules
its about the metal not what a fucking nerd that sitts on his friggin pc thinks