Dimmu Borgir

I won't figh too much to defend them, but still think that their play atmospheric Black Metal, if you only take in consideration the music, sometimes ....
Originally posted by Cerberus
Dimmu Borgir is the best fuckin black metal band. Black Metal Rules!!!!!!!!!


ROTFL x 666!
Originally posted by Eldzik
Dimmu Borgir isn't black metal!!!
Yawn... There we go again, if they're not Black Metal, what are they?? Black Metal definitely comes closest, so just call 'em Black Metal, so what.

DB deliver quality music for sure, but Emperor is definitely better and more sophisticated.
The whole thread is a bad joke,isn't it :D ?
Well so or so...Dimmu simply makes bad(not evil :) ) music.If youre into this Bombast-Blackmetal stuff listen to Emperor,Limonic Art or something like that...but please not Dimmu or Cradle.These Bands are kind of soulless to me,because they only try to make money with this greatest style of music and turn it into a trend-thing...
And i would rather listen to Graveland than to Graveworm..even i dont like Darken much
I was wondering if the majority of those who consider Dimmu to be poor excuses for dark music are familliar with 'Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia'?

I mention this because that guy on the first page listed some tracks that he likes, all of which were from previous albums (I couldn't be bothered going back and quoting him).

I find earlier Dimmu Borgir rather enjoyable, but I find P.E.M absolutely amazing. It's like a completely different band, and I hope those who are outspoken against them check out some of those tracks (my apologies to those who already have :) )

As for categorisation, I do tend to consider them black metal, if in the symphonic vein only. Of course they are nothing like Darkthrone and other 'true' bands, but I still think they deserve a place in the genre, especially considering the expanding boundaries currently propagated by some of the top line bands such as Mayhem, Thorns, Emperor RIP, and Immortal.

In other words, I think genres should be able to evolve so long as they remain true to at least some of the original stylings.
Dimmu Borgir really rock! I don't understand the fixation of people devoted to smash them so bad. It seems rather rude I think.
I wonder if every band these smashers like got fame would they stop listening to it all together.
I think this "true" metal saying sounds nothing more than large ego with small penis. And to think my true metal shirt is in rags from overuse. Seems junk to say to me.
Sorry to return the offence.
I like Darkthrone, just not the hardcore following that undermines bands that break out of true molding.

N.P.-The Kovenant-prophecies of fire.
Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia is one of the most boring albums I have ever brought..Maybe it is black metal,maybe it isn't.One thing for sure is,the band is crap..Immortal,Dissection,Satyricon or Emperor..That is black metal done right.

N.P.-Rolling Rock and "To Bid You Farewell"...Opeth.

I'm not sure, but it seems drinking posts are different from non-dinking posts. There should be a drunken smilie for times when drink is involved. I think I would have to leave mine on.
Originally posted by SonOfAbyss

Why worry about everything that isn't in favor of and starting to enjoy what it is you like. Maybe I got it wrong.

Start enjoying what I like? Wouldn't I already enjoy something if I liked it? :p

If you were careful to notice, you would recognise that I said 'Dimmu bashers'. There is a grave difference between people who bash a band and people who just dislike them and say so.

By all means, don't like Dimmu. Somberlain said he didn't like them, and that's fine. He didn't make an ass out of himself in the process. But people who go out of their way to shit on something are worthy of rebuke, at least as far as I'm concerned.

Now, back to the enjoyment on my part.