
He didn't kill his friend Vlad did the killing. Jon was just with him. They brought the guy back to their apartment so they could "get beer". They got the beer as well as a taser and a gun. They were only going to tease the guy supposedly with the taser, but it was quite weak and didn't do anything. So the guy ran away, and as he ran away vlad shot him.

something like that.....
CladInDarkness said:
He didn't kill his friend Vlad did the killing. Jon was just with him. They brought the guy back to their apartment so they could "get beer". They got the beer as well as a taser and a gun. They were only going to tease the guy supposedly with the taser, but it was quite weak and didn't do anything. So the guy ran away, and as he ran away vlad shot him.something like that.....

I did an interview with Swanö detailing his meeting Vlad and the effect he had on Jon. Creepy...

LotFP: That's an interesting trend for extreme metal. About that DISSECTION guy, with the time you spent around him, was there any sign that he was the kind of nutcase that was going to go out and try to kill people?
Swanö: Nope. I didn't know him. I didn't know him in person at all. I knew he was just a little kid, really, I think. He was very influenced by stronger personalities. When he hooked up with this Vlad guy, who was not a musician at all really, just an evil dude, he just bonded with him in a way. I remember being in Gothenburg a few years ago, just before they did this horrible thing. I was at a pub hanging out, and I saw him there. I went up and said "How are you?" There was a sparkle in his eye, and he looked like he was happy to see me, it was nice. Then all of a sudden this Vlad guy came up to him, and just one look, the spark was gone, and Vlad just left. No bye bye, he just left. What was that? "Oh, that's the Vlad guy." It's hard to explain. I'd never experienced that before, I was totally lost the entire evening. Did I say something? What happened? They say he was totally obsessed with this Vlad guy. He was obviously something he'd wanted to be, that kind of evil character. Not a musician, just evil. He was a bit weirder when he was drinking. We were at this party, and he just started banging on doors and people would open the doors and he would just start screaming in their face. Really weird behavior. I don't know if he was trying to be funny. I thought it was irresponsible, a childish act to do something like that. This is not fun, it's just upsetting his neighbors. His idea of having a good time was not my idea of a good time. He just got carried away with this other guys. I guess it was one of those "Show me what you got. He's a fucking faggot, kill him!" Just under the influence, he just did it. He could be influenced by group pressure. And he did it, and destroyed one of the best careers ever in this genre. Everything would have been so much different if DISSECTION would have continued putting out albums.
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Jim LotFP said:
I did an interview with Swanö detailing his meeting Vlad and the effect he had on Jon. Creepy...

LotFP: That's an interesting trend for extreme metal. About that DISSECTION guy, with the time you spent around him, was there any sign that he was the kind of nutcase that was going to go out and try to kill people?
Swanö: Nope. I didn't know him. I didn't know him in person at all. I knew he was just a little kid, really, I think. He was very influenced by stronger personalities. When he hooked up with this Vlad guy, who was not a musician at all really, just an evil dude, he just bonded with him in a way. I remember being in Gothenburg a few years ago, just before they did this horrible thing. I was at a pub hanging out, and I saw him there. I went up and said "How are you?" There was a sparkle in his eye, and he looked like he was happy to see me, it was nice. Then all of a sudden this Vlad guy came up to him, and just one look, the spark was gone, and Vlad just left. No bye bye, he just left. What was that? "Oh, that's the Vlad guy." It's hard to explain. I'd never experienced that before, I was totally lost the entire evening. Did I say something? What happened? They say he was totally obsessed with this Vlad guy. He was obviously something he'd wanted to be, that kind of evil character. Not a musician, just evil. He was a bit weirder when he was drinking. We were at this party, and he just started banging on doors and people would open the doors and he would just start screaming in their face. Really weird behavior. I don't know if he was trying to be funny. I thought it was irresponsible, a childish act to do something like that. This is not fun, it's just upsetting his neighbors. His idea of having a good time was not my idea of a good time. He just got carried away with this other guys. I guess it was one of those "Show me what you got. He's a fucking faggot, kill him!" Just under the influence, he just did it. He could be influenced by group pressure. And he did it, and destroyed one of the best careers ever in this genre. Everything would have been so much different if DISSECTION would have continued putting out albums.

Interesting read Jim. Wheres the rest of the interveiw???? :D
Quite frankly, I don't care enough about the band to really care about who the band members are. My personal opinion on whether or not who makes the music is important is this: If a band really does something for me emotionally, I'll generally be very interested in who the person(s) behind it is. I'm glad to know that people like the guys in Opeth and Porcupine Tree all seem like really down to earth and classy guys but also the types who seem to do what they please instead of conforming. I can be an arrogant asshole, but overall I consider myself a decent guy, and I kinda figure similarly decent folks are more likely to have similar thoughts and emotions to me. I dunno if that really makes sense, but I guess the bottom line is that I'll respect music more if the people making it seem like genuinely decent folks though asshole musicians doesn't kill my enjoyment of a band.
Morfiend said:
Does anyone else feel sort of...guilty when listening to their cd's since Jon killed that guy? The Somberlain and Storm.. are both f'n great but I wish I could get rid of that feeling :cry:
Like...that's so fucking retarded, it's not like you're supporting him in any way by listening to his music...geez if I was a stupid fucktard like you I wouldn't go to a forum and openly tell everyone how retarded I am.
Dissection's music is brilliant. You need to seperate between the music itself and anything that got to do with the people who make it.