
Thanatos said:
Like...that's so fucking retarded, it's not like you're supporting him in any way by listening to his music...geez if I was a stupid fucktard like you I wouldn't go to a forum and openly tell everyone how retarded I am.
Actually, by buying Dissection's cd's I am supporting the band. And why the hell are you spouting off all of these insults man? Lighten up, it was just something that had crossed my mind lately. And anyone who uses the words "fucktard" and "retard" in the same paragraph shouldn't criticize anyone's intelligence. Next time just answer the question or don't post anything at all.
Jim LotFP said:
I very, very strongly disagree with this.

When I see someone wearing a T-shirt, I see someone who condones murder.

Why? if you see someone with a Michael Jackson t-shirt you see someone who condones pedophilia?

Actually, by buying Dissection's cd's I am supporting the band. And why the hell are you spouting off all of these insults man? Lighten up, it was just something that had crossed my mind lately. And anyone who uses the words "fucktard" and "retard" in the same paragraph shouldn't criticize anyone's intelligence. Next time just answer the question or don't post anything at all.

That's why I didn't mention buying their cd, we're assuming you already have it, so why did you buy it in the first place if you were having those feelings? and sorry about the lack of vocabulary, english is not my native tongue, I just wanted to point out how retarded I think you are :)
blakmetalemp said:
A very short explanation:

"The trial started Tuesday, April 28, 1998. Doesn't look good - Jon and Vlad pleaded guilty to the murder. Their story is that they had been partying for two days, when a 37-year old Algerian homosexual approached them and inquired about occultism, wanting to be a satanist. His manners disgusted Vlad and Jon, so they fetched a pistol, an electric shockweapon, amphetamine, and some beer from Jon's apartment. Vlad gave him three shocks, in an effort to "silence" him. This didn't work, so they tried to beat him up. The Algerian turned to run away, but Jon shot him once in the back and once in the head."
So he killed an Algerian? Wow, he should come to France, there are plenty of them here!

Thanatos said:
That's why I didn't mention buying their cd, we're assuming you already have it, so why did you buy it in the first place if you were having those feelings? and sorry about the lack of vocabulary, english is not my native tongue, I just wanted to point out how retarded I think you are :)

I've owned both of Dissection's cd's for over 3 years but didn't hear about the killing until about a year and a half ago when I started reading up on the band. When I did read about it, I stopped playing them but recently dusted off the cd's, put my feelings aside for a moment, and realized once again how great this band was. I enjoy listening to the music but at the same time I feel bad for the guy who was killed. How is that retarted?
FuckinShit said:
Dissection's music is brilliant. You need to seperate between the music itself and anything that got to do with the people who make it.

Exactly. I can't wait for Jon to be released. Dissection are going to be putting out some of the best metal we've ever heard in the coming years and I'm going to be enjoying every last second of it. Get over your 'holier than thou' attitudes and go listen to some Dissection.
-Desecrated- said:
I can't wait for Jon to be released. Dissection are going to be putting out some of the best metal we've ever heard in the coming years and I'm going to be enjoying every last second of it. Get over your 'holier than thou' attitudes and go listen to some Dissection.

trust me, i think he's fed up with metal...
or anything that got to do with his past

or maybe you know something I don't??
FuckinShit said:
trust me, i think he's fed up with metal...
or anything that got to do with his past

or maybe you know something I don't??

No, Dissection will be back next year with Faust formerly of Emperor as the drummer, the rest of Dissection besides Jon is yet to be named. He has sent out a few letters from jail talking about Dissection's comeback and how he has already written a bunch of songs.
FuckinShit said:
trust me, i think he's fed up with metal...
or anything that got to do with his past

or maybe you know something I don't??
Jon did an interview in Terrorizer a couple of months ago saying how he'd been writing loads of songs and a load of other nonsense like how his music is a channel for the powers of darkness and all this babbling rubbish. He came across like he was out of his head on fucking acid or something - not a very intelligent man I think! o_O
random_phil said:
That interview was funny. He sounded like he was the bad guy in some 80s cartoon talking about taking over the world. A musical Skeletor, maybe.

:lol: It was a very bizarre interview - he was trying to sound evil and ended up sounding like a mad 13 year old! (I wouldnt say that to his fucking face mind!) :zombie: