Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

Yeah I cleaned up this thread a bit guys, let's try to keep on topic, and please simply report any troublemakers instead of creating more posts for me to clean up.

Krig, "why am I Christian" has such a cliche answer that I almost don't want to say it, but it's simply I believe the Bible to be truth, and that Jesus dies for our sins. There's thing you experience in life, even when you aren't looking for it, that just pushes you to believe in a higher power and I choose to believe that is God for me.

So now, why are you not a Christian, and not an atheist, and how would you label yourself, and what is the reason for your decision?
So now, why are you not a Christian, and not an atheist, and how would you label yourself, and what is the reason for your decision?

a couple reasons why im not a christian.
1. I'll never believe that some chick got pregnant from a higher power.
2. No matter how good of a guy jesus was (if he even existed in the first place because there were several religions based off a guy that was born to a virgin mother) I'll never believe that he was anything other than a simple man.
3. the bible is a book written by men, men wanting power.

and If I had to follow any religion I would become Asatru. It feels right and I want to honor my ancestors. and im actually pretty close to being Asatru, but not close enough, maybe one of these days.
a couple reasons why im not a christian.
1. I'll never believe that some chick got pregnant from a higher power.
2. No matter how good of a guy jesus was (if he even existed in the first place because there were several religions based off a guy that was born to a virgin mother) I'll never believe that he was anything other than a simple man.
3. the bible is a book written by men, men wanting power.

and If I had to follow any religion I would become Asatru. It feels right and I want to honor my ancestors. and im actually pretty close to being Asatru, but not close enough, maybe one of these days.

1. I don't believe that it that God does that directly, he just enabled it too happen, and lets it play out for itself.
a couple reasons why im not a christian.
1. I'll never believe that some chick got pregnant from a higher power.
2. No matter how good of a guy jesus was (if he even existed in the first place because there were several religions based off a guy that was born to a virgin mother) I'll never believe that he was anything other than a simple man.
3. the bible is a book written by men, men wanting power.

and If I had to follow any religion I would become Asatru. It feels right and I want to honor my ancestors. and im actually pretty close to being Asatru, but not close enough, maybe one of these days.

You're going to hell heathen ball exposer.

There's room in my life for both God and metal. I stand as the embodiment of this seemingly impossible coexistence.

Thank you.

It's not fun being a Christian. Especially when you're a Christian who listens to metal. My reasons for believing are my own and I see no point in justifying them to a group of atheists who have already made up their minds not to seriously hear out why I believe what I believe. Not to say all atheists are intolerant or constantly mocking others' beliefs, because I have great respect for intelligent atheists. However, there have been very few I've met who actually want to understand why we Christians believe. I consider myself a very liberal Christian and I don't believe much in literal interpretation of the Bible, but just believing in anything besides nothing seems to guarantee ridicule among most atheists.

I am the same way, almost 100%.
That is not true. The reason for believing can be explained. It's something you grew up with because of your parents and/or people around you do it. Where nonbeleivers don't need an ancient list of rules to live by. They would rather just think for themselves. The only thing religion has done thoughout its history was caused conflict, wars, and death. The reason people need religion is because it's a sense of comfort knowing you'll go somewhere after you die. I personally don't know why we are here or how we got here and neither does anyone else on this forum or on this earth. After all, if god and all this crap is real/true, then prove it. If you can't prove it, then you can't convince people. Why is it that if god kills someone it's called nature, but if we kill someone it's called murder?

I personally like metal with satanic themes, but am not a satanist. Being a satanist means you believe in god also. I also like power metal that sings about lord of the rings type stuff, but that doesn't mean I believe in all that stuff. Although I have researched alot about Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. Of all organized religions, I thought this one made the most sense because it's more philosophy than anything else such as worshipping a statue or something.
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Precisely. Nor do most of them have any reasons for believing other than "oh I feel in my heart that it's real... therefore it is".

I believe we were given a mind to counter that "do whatever your heart tells you" thing. I'm one of those people who can't just let things be the way they are, I always have to consider the alternatives. It's led me far away from traditional Christianity, but not quite to the point of abandoning it yet. I can't help but question things even after I should've been content with what answer I got, and I hate when people seem to think Christians are a bunch of mindless sheep, because my beliefs are not something I just suddenly decided to follow without thinking critically about them.

I still strive to learn other theories and religious systems as best I can - so it's not like I only digest Christian dogma. Shoot, I keep a copy of "Origin of the Species" next to my Bible. It may seem crazy to you, knowing your thoughts on the "incompatibility" of evolution and Christianity, but when I find reason to disbelieve or value one over the other, then I won't be reading one of them anymore.
I'm upset at Deron for deleting my post where I tried to explain to ED about me NOT being Xtian. Now people will think I was defending Montu and Hatebreeder because I'm allegedly Xtian too, not because they are clearly more intelligent than him.:cry:
Although I have researched alot about Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. Of all organized religions, I thought this one made the most sense because it's more philosophy than anything else such as worshipping a statue or something.

LaVey's Church of Satan is stupid. This is from Abulafia at

I propose that LaVey was a the precise equivalent of the horsey-faced, intellectually immature, just-over-average-IQ younglings mentioned above. But don't take my word for it. Let's see how his pimple scratching "it's all about me" philosophy holds up in even the briefest of presentations by a devotee.

Satanism on 'harm':

Originally Posted by happy pervert
Satanism is not based on worshiping "the devil" nor does it deal with inflicting harm.

Thank goodness! It would be horrible if it had anything to do with inflicting harm:

4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

Well, ok. I guess it's ok if someone comes into my lair and annoys me. Then cruel and merciless harm is ok. It's my lair, after all, right? But as long as they are not in my lair, I'd better be nice. Right? Can't I spell it layre? I kind of feel like spelling it layre.

5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!

Ok, wait. So it looks like if someone really pisses me off, vengeance is ok, too. Ok. Got it. So if someone comes into my lair, presumably at my own invitation, but then, say, pops their gum or pulls out one of those tedious Aussie Shirazes or talks about something really annoying,, Satanism—then I get to treat him cruelly. Ok. Got it. And even outside of my lair—say in the foyer of the lair—if someone pisses me off, I get to harm him, too. But other than that, no way.

11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

Except if someone bothers me in open territory! Good. I was worried, because sometimes when I am walking in open territory people bother me but I didn't know what to do about it. Luckily, it looks like I have the option of destroying him, since that doesn't count as harm. Since, you know, they were bothering me. And all.

Does this work if I am, say, biking in open territory? Or is this sort of destruction limited to pedestrians?

9. Do not harm little children.

Unless one has come into your lair or bothers you in open territory. If a toddler does such, and does not stop though you ask him, destroy him.

But other than that, really. Harm is not cool.

Satanism on punctuation:

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!

Satanism represents a love of exclamation marks!!!

Satanism on nocturnal telepathy:

6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!

Psychic vampires. They know what you're thinking, but only at night.

8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!

And we all know that none of the so-called sins has ever caused anyone any harm. Especially not little children.

1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

Good! I despise proselytism.

Why not become a Satanist like me check out links


7. ... If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

In bed.

Right? Isn't this like the fortune cookie "in bed" game? Just like it!

8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

In bed.

9. Do not harm little children.

In... oh, never mind.

Satanists acknowledge that we are human and work towards perfection, but can sometimes fall into negative patterns of action.

Like, er, spewing pimple-scratching nonsense? Things like that?

1) Stupidity--The top of the list for Satanic Sins. The Cardinal Sin of Satanism. It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful.

Happy Pervert, it certainly is. It's just that the pain is more often than not felt by those who have to deal with the pimple-scratching nonsense than it is by those who spew it.

2) Pretentiousness--Empty posturing can be most irritating and isn't applying the cardinal rules of Lesser Magic.

You mean like referring to your studio apartment as a


Satanism on manners:

3) Solipsism--...It is the mistake of expecting people to give you the same consideration, courtesy, and respect that you naturally give them.

Such as destroying them, right?

We must not pay homage to any of the sacred cows presented to us, including the roles we are expected to play ourselves.

So, don't pay homage to a cow, even when that cow is you?

I suspect Satanists do not understand to what the term 'sacred cow' refers (just as I am certain David "I'm a Jew" Whatshisface below does not know what the word 'brazen' means—any more than he could tell me the difference between a mezuzah and a megillah).

Clue: 'sacred cow' is not the same as the biblical 'golden calf,' hp. Wrong religion. I promise you.

6) Lack of Perspective--Again, this one can lead to a lot of pain for a Satanist. You must never lose sight of who and what you are, and what a threat you can be, by your very existence.

Except remember that it's not about harming people.

Satanism on the work ethic:

We are making history right now, everyday.

Bully for you! Most of us take a day off now and then, at which point history languishes for a bit, twiddling its thumbs on the porch. Good to see you keeping your nose to the brimstone. Grindstone. Whatever.

know that you are working on another level entirely from the rest of the world.

That this is the case is beyond doubt.

7) Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxy's

And, apparently, present formations of the plural.

8) Counterproductive Pride--The first word is important. Pride is great up to the point you begin to throw out the baby with the bath water.

I have not the slightest idea what this means, but I'm pretty sure throwing the baby out with the bath water bit is bad because it would surely entail the harm of a little child, something obviously prohibited by Satanism. Unless, say, the child was in your lair and kept on asking for chocolate or something even though you've told the little fucker you are fresh out.

The rule of Satanism is if it works for you, great. When it stops working for you, when you've painted yourself into a corner and the only way out is to say, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I wish we could compromise somehow," then do it

Stand by your convictions, unless it becomes inconvenient.

It may seem crazy to you, knowing your thoughts on the "incompatibility" of evolution and Christianity, but when I find reason to disbelieve or value one over the other, then I won't be reading one of them anymore.

I don't think they are incompatible. A combination of the two presents a very valid idea of the world coming to be. In other words, it is feasible to think that God created the Earth and let evolution run it's course (oh, by the way, evolution hasn't run it's course... we have a while to go folks... that is assuming evolution is true).

As a matter of fact a synthesis of the two ideas seems to me to be the most feasible theory for the creation of the universe. God (or somebody) created the Big Bang and then let go of the reins. It explains why evidence toward evolution exists (obviously) and what caused the Big Bang.

Of course, if God caused the Big Bang, what caused God?

It's questions like that that make me an agnostic. How the fuck are you supposed to answer that other than "I dunno"?
It's questions like that that make me an agnostic. How the fuck are you supposed to answer that other than "I dunno"?
The reason I am not agnostic is that by the reasoning of "We can't prove it either way" you might as well as believe in Santa. He's believed in by many people but has no proof of existence, just like god. I know that's not what you were really saying, but that's my view on the more hardcore agnosticism.

You do bring up other good points.
Belief in God is illogical and has no justifiable basis. God is an absurd proposal. That is why I am an atheist.