Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

It's not fun being a Christian. Especially when you're a Christian who listens to metal. My reasons for believing are my own and I see no point in justifying them to a group of atheists who have already made up their minds not to seriously hear out why I believe what I believe. Not to say all atheists are intolerant or constantly mocking others' beliefs, because I have great respect for intelligent atheists. However, there have been very few I've met who actually want to understand why we Christians believe. I consider myself a very liberal Christian and I don't believe much in literal interpretation of the Bible, but just believing in anything besides nothing seems to guarantee ridicule among most atheists.
I was joking, but I don't think belief in something such as religion can be explained, nor should it have to be. I just hope that religion, whether one believes in it or not, will eventually be a purely private affair.