Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

So much for being a typical Christian, eh?:lol:
You are a typical christian. You don't read anything that goes against your brainwashed world views and try and act like anyone who brings up the obvious facts that your religion is Full of hypocrisy you avoid the content of the argument and concentrate on one misspelled word or say "your immature"
or some other personal attack because the facts I've present are true.TYPICAL cHRISTIAN BULLSHIT.
First you hide behind the skirt ( or robe. I'd say skirt) of the Churches lies about love and tolerance . Now you hide behind the skirt of a woman.

Hiding, interesting. While the rest of have been having productive conversations, you havent contributed anything worth reading. Typical n00b.

You are a typical christian. You don't read anything that goes against your brainwashed world views and try and act like anyone who brings up the obvious facts that your religion is Full of hypocrisy you avoid the content of the argument and concentrate on one misspelled word or say "your immature"
or some other personal attack because the facts I've present are true.TYPICAL cHRISTIAN BULLSHIT.

You had better hope to satan or whatever that there is no god, because if there is, you'll be hell for being a stupid, full of crap idiot.

damn christians!

the good thing about satanic black metal is that it lets the anger and hate flow. hate filled music can be great at times.

That is true.
You can argue over anything that doesn't make it an intelligent argument
and since you can't back up your statement this is your way of withdrawing.

No, I wasnt even trying to start that side of the conversation. It came up in my previous posts. Again, instead of criticizing my or other people, focus on actually trying to put facts on here to not destroy the thread I so painfully constructed. N00b.
What I find interesting is that you can't even qoute any examples of your claims. Remember that if you state anything that happened before 1000 your aguments should not be taken seriously.
No, I wasnt even trying to start that side of the conversation. It came up in my previous posts. Again, instead of criticizing my or other people, focus on actually trying to put facts on here to not destroy the thread I so painfully constructed. N00b.

Dude your are a moron your not having a productive conversation your spouting out bullshit propaganda. You are the moron that started the name calling etc. because you could not counter the facts I had posted. So you focused on the fact that I spelled a word wrong. Big deal ALMOST ALL of your thousands of posts are Full of MISSPELLED WORDS.

I didn't say there is no God. God is certainly not a friend of you self righteous full crap idiots you guys are almost as bad as the muslims.

What happened here is you ask a question. Why do I feel religion is bullshit?
I answered and you and the other typical christian ( in typical christian fashion)were intolerant of my beliefs and tried to attack me which I easily shrugged off . You have been whining ever since. Anyone with a interest in the so called witch burnings and all the other crimes against god and nature you christians have committed with full church approval can easily look it up for themselves.
Damn, I'm sorry I missed this debate. But from what I've read, ol' Earthdog got his ass kicked. Sorry, man, but you need to go do some more research and find quotes to back your shit up. Then we'll talk.

Oh, and calling people "typical Christians" won't get you anywhere, because by that logic, you yourself are a typical "omg fuk da world religon sux" asshole.
edit: Statement retracted.
I thought Montu wasn't Xtian, but he has revealed his true nature in this thread.
@EarthDog: I hate organized religion more than you do I bet, but you couldn't construct an intelligent argument if god himself helped you (lol irony).
@Krigloch whatever your name is this week: ED's ranting should make a heathen like yourself ashamed and embarrassed, I know that's how I felt.
Like I really care what a bunch of fuckin' christians think :lol:
Or christian lovers = DeathsSweetEmbrace & Hatebreeder
Your showing your true colors now.
Coming from an agnostic: Lay off the Christians asswipe. You're just making yourself sound retarded. DSE is right, you can't come up with a meaningful statement to save your life.

Bite Me bitch !! They talk shit but they can't take it coming back their way FUCK christians and Fuck you too. :kickass:
Dear Earthdog,

You keep committing the same fucking fallacy over and over again. I pointed this out in my parody of your arguments but you're too fucking stupid to recognize the flaw in your arguments. Learn how to be logical you stupid piece of shit.

God bless,
Government and religion is pretty similiar except the government gives us freedoms and protects 'freedom' to a degree. Both are used to keep the sheep in the same fencing, once a sheep gets out you need to put it back in its place. Both restrict freedom except not on the same level. A government(democracy) guarantees more freedom than say religion organizations. A government is one god instead of 25 gods. The same rules and regulations apply to everyone. Religion is just outdated form of government and scattered organizations.