Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

Hi everybody. Boy do I have some great, knockdown arguments for you.

Systems of government have committed terrible atrocities and have told lies in order to gain power.
Therefore, governments have nothing of value to offer and you should reject the very notion of a government.

Democratic governments have committed terrible atrocities and lied to gain power.
Therefore, democratic governments have nothing of value to offer and you should reject the very notion of a democratic government.
Furthermore, you cannot make any separation between the valuable tenets of democracy and the actions taken by particular democratic governments in the past.

Anybody notice something terribly wrong with these kinds of arguments?
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There was nothing wrong in choosing arbitrary dates for holidays of which they didn't know the actual dates. The customs they chose reflect all of Christ's teachings and actions and incorporate some of the Jewish tradition for Jesus himself was a Jew.

These pre-Christ Christian sects you speak of I have never heard of. They may refer to the Jewish prophecy of a coming Messiah. Tell me more of this.

Apparently there were pockets of worshipers that had almost exactly the same customs as the latter christians did. And they existed around the same time that Jesus was alive and some years before. Many people think that some of their customs were used by Christians in their worship services. I don't know a lot about the details, but I do know that they were based around Rome.

Yep, it's called religious synchretism. I wrote a paper on it last year. Crazy and interesting.

Made me hate Christians even more.

Lets grow whine and cry about it, shall we?
Hi everybody. Boy do I have some great, knockdown arguments for you.

Systems of government have committed terrible atrocities and have told lies in order to gain power.
Therefore, governments have nothing of value to offer and you should reject the very notion of a government.

Democratic governments have committed terrible atrocities and lied to gain power.
Therefore, democratic governments have nothing of value to offer and you should reject the very notion of a democratic government.
Furthermore, you cannot make any separation between the valuable tenets of democracy and the actions taken by particular democratic governments in the past.

Anybody notice something terribly wrong with these kinds of arguments?

Thank you.
But just think, without the Crusades, there'd be a hell of a lot more Muslims today. Count your blessings.

*I jest, of course*

That was one of the few so called good products that actually came out of the whole thing, in terms today. The Muslims (or middle east in general), without the crusades, could be most powerful nation in the world without them.

But you can make arguments like that for any even in history, like the Spanish Armada for instance.
I've learned to be careful about people like him. Some people just throw unconfirmed shit around thinking it's gospel (ironically) when they've only been told and have not actually done any research/reading/etc. on the topic. Same with Christianity itself; the reason it's like it is is because no one bothers to read the damn Bible anymore, or just pull verses out of their ass to help their cause. But Christianity ain't perfect, and neither is any other religion. But a few flaws here and there is no reason to hate religion as a whole, for it is man who fucked it up and not God. Organized religion = somewhat useless, but religion = basis of human existence.

Actually you've learned nothing. I have atleast 7 books on christianty in my housethat I have read. You obviouly don't read and go with what you are told like the rest of the sheep. christianty IS a flaw. christianty has nothing to do with God only control of sheep like yourself.
Organized religion = somewhat useless, but religion = basis of human existence.

Remember that religon helped hold people together in the dark ages. While it may have slowed down technology advancment, it stopped Europe from becoming a completely un-unified, chaotic state, and that would have seriously delayed all forthcoming events that led to our settlement here. Religon is one of the main reasons that people migrated here. (here as in the US)
Apparently there were pockets of worshipers that had almost exactly the same customs as the latter christians did. And they existed around the same time that Jesus was alive and some years before. Many people think that some of their customs were used by Christians in their worship services. I don't know a lot about the details, but I do know that they were based around Rome.

Lets grow whine and cry about it, shall we?

You don't jack about your febble religion just like almost all of your christian fellows. They stoled all the those beliefs and tried to call them their very own. The truth is that most of the bible storie are rearranged stories that go all the way back to the Sumerian people.
You don't jack about your febble religion just like almost all of your christian fellows. They stoled all the those beliefs and tried to call them their very own. The truth is that most of the bible storie are rearranged stories that go all the way back to the Sumerian people.

Oh sure, continue spewing out crap please, everyone knows that you have no clue about anything. The did "Stoled" a few things. The old testament is filled with older stories, duh. Old - New.

Also for 34 you should seriously have learned to spell by now.
Oh sure, continue spewing out crap please, everyone knows that you have no clue about anything. The did "Stoled" a few things. The old testament is filled with older stories, duh. Old - New.

Also for 34 you should seriously have learned to spell by now.

All the old testament stories like the flood etc moron. Yeah concentration on typo not content because your full of shit. Your past posts are full of misspelled words moron.
It ultimately came to play a role in the future events of humanity (unfortunately, in my view), but I don't think one could possibly put forth a coherent argument stating that religion is the basis of humanity.
Typical christian. Don't ever expouse yourself to the truth because it isn't pretty.
I refuse to take anyone seriously who can't use proper English. That has absolutely nothing to do with me being a Christian. And if you knew anything about me at all, you would never say that I am a typical Christian. I mean come on, I listen to death metal, and AS WE ALL KNOW!!!!!!.....death metal is SUPER EVIL and you can't understand the vocalists because they're all POSSESSED BY SATAN HIMSELF!!!!!! Oh and I listen to black metal too, and AS WE ALL KNOW!!!!!!!...........that stuff will make you go around burning churches and sacrificing babies and summoning demons and putting on makeup and humongous spikey armbands and drenching yourself in fake blood, thinking that you're a total badass.........therefore I must be a flaming hypocrite, right?:loco:

(Please note the PAINFULLY OBVIOUS sarcasm, in case you are too stupid to notice it without me telling you.)

And I think you need to expose yourself to a dictionary. It might do you some good.

By the way, you're pretty damn immature for a 34 year old (if you are even telling the truth about that, which I very highly doubt). You're acting more like you're 12.
I refuse to take anyone seriously who can't use proper English. That has absolutely nothing to do with me being a Christian. And if you knew anything about me at all, you would never say that I am a typical Christian. I mean come on, I listen to death metal, and AS WE ALL KNOW!!!!!!.....death metal is SUPER EVIL and you can't understand the vocalists because they're all POSSESSED BY SATAN HIMSELF!!!!!! Oh and I listen to black metal too, and AS WE ALL KNOW!!!!!!!...........that stuff will make you go around burning churches and sacrificing babies and summoning demons and putting on makeup and humongous spikey armbands and drenching yourself in fake blood, thinking that you're a total badass.........therefore I must be a flaming hypocrite, right?:loco:

(Please note the PAINFULLY OBVIOUS sarcasm, in case you are too stupid to notice it without me telling you.)

And I think you need to expose yourself to a dictionary. It might do you some good.

By the way, you're pretty damn immature for a 34 year old (if you are even telling the truth about that, which I very highly doubt). You're acting more like you're 12.

Perfect summary.