Do themes such as Satanism or Anti-Christianity Affect Your Metal Preferences?

I listen to good music. Period. I won't listen to a band specifically for their lyrics, and I won't avoid a band because they have lyrics I disagree with. I listen to what sounds good, and on that basis alone.
While the world has suffered 2000 years of christianity. Religion sucks !!:puke: :saint:

Such a typical response. "Christianity" didn't really exist until all those councils happened in the early-mid A.D.'s, when they got their shit together and decided what they believed. I bet you didn't even know that Jesus was a Jew and that all of the religious stuff he did was based in Judaism. :rolleyes:
Actually, Christianity did start with Jesus when he ordained the 12 Apostles as the ministers of the new Church. The Council of Nicaea you refer to was the first consolidation of the Christian peoples into one cohesive Church.
Actually, Christianity did start with Jesus when he ordained the 12 Apostles as the ministers of the new Church. The Council of Nicaea you refer to was the first consolidation of the Christian peoples into one cohesive Church.

The Council of Nicaea actually mislead the people, choosing wrong dates and inventing customs to what they thought was right. Forms of Christianity existed before Jesus set foot on the Earth, it just was not recoginized or called by the name.
The Council of Nicaea actually mislead the people, choosing wrong dates and inventing customs to what they thought was right. Forms of Christianity existed before Jesus set foot on the Earth, it just was not recoginized or called by the name.

There was nothing wrong in choosing arbitrary dates for holidays of which they didn't know the actual dates. The customs they chose reflect all of Christ's teachings and actions and incorporate some of the Jewish tradition for Jesus himself was a Jew.

These pre-Christ Christian sects you speak of I have never heard of. They may refer to the Jewish prophecy of a coming Messiah. Tell me more of this.
Yep, it's called religious synchretism. I wrote a paper on it last year. Crazy and interesting.

Made me hate Christians even more.
christianity stole so much shit so it could "fit in"
Christmas - Yule
Easter - Ostara
First off Jesus was just a made up figure head to front a church of hate and separatism
christianty stoled all the pagan holidays to try to take over plain and simple: mind control. The first popes were ousted rulers after the fall of Rome.
Since they could no long rule by force of the sword they made a new religion mixing it with paganism to fool the pagan peoples that did not speak the language into believing that they were attend gatherings of their own beliefs. They stoled, killed tortured in the name of LOVE = fake religion. The pope was
was involved with the Nazi's during WW2 because he was for the extermination of the Jews. Documented fact ! The rest of the sects are no different they are all a bunch of dicks that claim to be the chosen few of God. The only true way and there for they walk around thinking they are above everyone else in the name of love and tolerance. They are even pitted against each other and there for are an instrument of hate and not love. If you want to control the planet though hate violence and making others ( your followers)feel Superior to their fellows thats one thing, good luck I'll be waiting for you to make your move, but to hide behind the skirt of love is just out right disgusting and week. And finally if you want to be one of the brainwashed , whatever thats your problem but don't snivel when you ask people what they think about it (christianty) and they tell you.
^ You seem to just be predisposed to believe everything negative about religion. Therefore, I cannot take you seriously.

Maybe if you knew more about the real history of this planet instead of what the powers that be would have you believe you would have a different veiw point. Even the church doesn't try to hide their history, but only because they know it would only draw more attention to it.
I dont know. I quite liked his rant.

I've learned to be careful about people like him. Some people just throw unconfirmed shit around thinking it's gospel (ironically) when they've only been told and have not actually done any research/reading/etc. on the topic. Same with Christianity itself; the reason it's like it is is because no one bothers to read the damn Bible anymore, or just pull verses out of their ass to help their cause. But Christianity ain't perfect, and neither is any other religion. But a few flaws here and there is no reason to hate religion as a whole, for it is man who fucked it up and not God. Organized religion = somewhat useless, but religion = basis of human existence.