Originally posted by dawnghost
God exists.
our existance is NOT product of chance.
Belief is a fundamental thing we all have. People can believe what they like, as long as it suits them. However, when they start going around forcing their beliefs they are not welcome.
This is shown by dawnghost saying "God exists". He has no evidence of this, no miracles. Nothing but scripture aids his way. Mind you, which God he believes in is for him to decide, whether it is Jehovah or Zues or Marduk.
The fact is, there is more evidence against God than there is for one. Religion is a creation of man to understand things better. Why do you think the bible, Zorah and Qu'ran leave out scripture dealing with abortion? It didn't exist at that time, and religion was just a way of controlling people at that time.
We know from scriptures, that every modern religion copies it's stories from past ancient religions. The links date back to the Sumerians, the flood story, the whore story, etc. etc.
If you think there is a God, fine - don't preach it like it is fact, because it is NOT a fact - if you think it is, I suggest you read your religious texts, and research into mythology.
As for the posts regarding "if hell exists then God exists".
Hell started off as a place of dwelling when you die (afterlife). The greeks changed the Sumerian concept into the Underworld of Hades and Tartarus. The Jews (based on Zorah) changed this into Gehinnom or The Final Gehenna. This means, a place of purgatory, where everyone goes to be cured from sin.
Modern christians have perverted the Jewish version of Gehinnom, into their own version, which they call hell. It has all the traits of Gehinnom, except only non-believers go there.
If you are bothered about religion at all (which you shouldn't be, we're all individual and don't need a book to tell us how to live) then visit
http://www.pantheon.org/mythica < this is a good source about mythology.
Sorry, droned on a bit, but it had to be pointed out.
Kind Regards - Pyro