do you believe in god?


Sep 25, 2001
Well, do you?

Personally, I don't believe in most of the Bible (7 day genesis etc.) a bearded man on the throne etc...

What I DO believe in is a higher being, maybe a mass of energy controlling everything, acting as a single rule: what you give is what you get.
hmn, i sense a 10 page debate to start again. you might want to find a simillar thread in the opeth message board, but anyway we'll start again here too :)

i dont really believe in god, although if he/she/it was to come down here and prove itself to me then of course id be praying

:lol: , in the end, who cares? we can only supposedly prove his existence when were dead, so if you believe in him/her/it then tell me about it when your dead :p

I'm not interested in religion nor in God..... I don't think he/she exists....such stories seem a bit hmmm absurd to me hehe
I believe in the power of man...what man has created ,man can destroy..we can see this so much around us lately...
I believe a lot of what is told in the Bible, but from an entirely different perspective ... I believe a lot of the encounters with angels & gods described in the Bible are encounters with travellers from other planets...

--- "God" in its original hebrew form actually is plural (<gods>), and originally had a meaning similar to "man who comes from the sky with fire" ---

---also, incidents in the Bible are extremely similar to many of the myths & other religions in the world. For example, in the
Baghadavita, a religous work from India, the "angels" have names and fly around in machines ---

there is MUCH MUCH MUCH more I could have included to support what I believe the Bible is largely about, but I am tired of having the same discussion over and over again.

Please check out what I'm babbling about here.

Oh yeah, did you know that christian angels didn't have wings in the beginning and the church borrowed the wings part from egyptian mythology?

As far as being agnostic goes, all I can say is that you never can be certain in a higher being, that's why it's called "believing". It would have been called "knowing" otherwise.
Originally posted by Metalmaster
I believe a lot of what is told in the Bible, but from an entirely different perspective ... I believe a lot of the encounters with angels & gods described in the Bible are encounters with travellers from other planets...

--- "God" in its original hebrew form actually is plural (<gods>), and originally had a meaning similar to "man who comes from the sky with fire" ---

---also, incidents in the Bible are extremely similar to many of the myths & other religions in the world. For example, in the
Baghadavita, a religous work from India, the "angels" have names and fly around in machines ---

there is MUCH MUCH MUCH more I could have included to support what I believe the Bible is largely about, but I am tired of having the same discussion over and over again.

Please check out what I'm babbling about here.


pathetic new age bullshit
I used to believe very strongly, but my experiences in life have brought some doubt. I don't pretend to know. I've had experiences that have lead me to believe and others which have detracted from that belief. So, I guess I'm agnostic at the moment (damn I hate being a fence-sitter). I try to live in such a way that I'm not a hinderance to others; I figure that's a good way to live regardless of whether there are eternal consequences or not.

On a side note, and as a serious question, I read in other posts about Satanism vs. Satan worshipping. My question is: if you don't worship Satan, why choose the name Satanist? Christians follow Christ, Buddhists follow Buddha, so I assume Satanist to mean a follower of Satan, which apparently isn't accurate. So, why choose a deliberately-confusing name? I'm being serious; I would like to understand.
What I'd like to know is how the hell do you get someone to believe in a god that rewards you for a) wars ("holy") b) killing someone??? How stupid do you have to be to buy this?

Terrorists make a living from it, you know.
I just see to many copntradictions in an omnipotent god- could he create a rock so heavy he couldn't lift... either way youlook at it he couldn't do both - hecouldn't be omnipotent.

Alsohe created me as I am - a non believer. Just so I can burn in hell. So many christians then say he's giving me the choice of whther to believe or not -if he is then he isnt omnipotent. If he is and lets me choose, I thyink the christian thing would be to save me froman eternity of suffering by changingme to a believer.... But thats a bt pointless

What I have a problem with is that in christianity especially non believer go to hell... if they lived inanon evil way as the bible commands and don't believe in god then they should go to heaven anyway.

Religion strikesmeasa very good idea, its just people take it to far. IMO the bible ios a very good book, that can teach usa lotabout human nature - but it should be treated as a guide to life, not the word of god - i think it is partly this that makes many christians assume they are the "correct" religion - which they blatantly are not as no1 knows the answer or truth here... Lala :loco: I'm going to stop now before I really start getting into this.... but basically I'm fine with religion, its just when others try and force their beliefs on people, assuming them to be "correct" that I get pisssed off
the problem, my silly friends, is that you focus too much on the classic interpretations of god, by the catholic church, or by those fundamentalists.
Because you think hell is something unfair, you shouldn't revoke the presence of god.

Anyway, as long as you try to live a good life, I guess it doesn't really matter what you believe in. I personally do find myself on my knees very occasionally with my hands on my head. I don't know, I guess I need it. I don't know to who I pray at these times, and a Buddhist might call it reflection or meditation and scientists may call it self-hypnosis, but as far as I go, it's real, and I got quite some fire power backing me, when I get in trouble.

Maybe I should add, that as far as this day, my life was full of goodness and success. ANd maybe oneday my belief might change when I get in misery. But then again; my personal god protects me from that pain, and as far as todya, he is doing a damn good job.
Originally posted by Eclipse
the problem, my silly friends, is that you focus too much on the classic interpretations of god, by the catholic church, or by those fundamentalists

Yes, as those views are the ones I have a problem with, and its those people that make me far more inclined not to believe in god.....