Do you speak with an accent?

I'm just saying that not being attracted to women simply because of sound in time is a little silly.

You're right. The most important aspect is the biological attraction based purely on external appearance. When it comes to Latinas, that's the deciding factor. The cultural factor is secondary incentive.
There are more ways to be attracted to a women. I'm not saying physical attraction is the most important. I'm just saying its kind of dumb to dismiss certain women because of the music they like.
@zeph, my bad forgot your 1 manilla road cd and the beatles!

And the hundreds of classical CD's my parents own that I play regularly, and the classical and classic rock station on the radio, and all the Death Metal and Doom Metal I personally own. I attend live jazz concerts a few times a year.
There are more ways to be attracted to a women. I'm not saying physical attraction is the most important. I'm just saying its kind of dumb to dismiss certain women because of the music they like.

You act like I'm dismissing them purely on a musical basis. That's retarded. For me it's primarily physical. It's just the fact that the majority of women of ethnicities I'm not physically attracted to also happen to generally like music I'm not a fan of.
You completely ignored the entirety of my post before that statement. I was specifically referring to Black and Latino women. Context, my friend.
I listen to a lot more than Black Metal, my friend, and that means other types of music besides metal.

So that would be: the Beatles, and...?

edit: nevermind, someone already called B.S. on you

edit #2: But if you really do listen to all that other shit, it's rather odd that the Beatles are the only non-metal band on your list. Are they the only one you listen to regularly?
Some people where I live say wooder. It sounds fucking retarded. And I tell them.
My grandpa does that. He also pronounces wash "warsh", and Washington is "Warshington". I just find it kind of amusing, though, since I don't really know anyone else who talks like that.
No one does that where I live. And I never heard anyone in Cincinnati do that either.
I hate when older people pronounce the end of the days of the week as "dee." Like "Tuesdee, Wednesdee, Thursdee, Fridee."
Some of my teachers do that, and there was one chick in my Algebra class who did that. Its annoying.
So that would be: the Beatles, and...?

edit: nevermind, someone already called B.S. on you

edit #2: But if you really do listen to all that other shit, it's rather odd that the Beatles are the only non-metal band on your list. Are they the only one you listen to regularly?

The Beatles are the only band I listen to on my computer. That's because my mother has the actual CD's (and LP's, too) and they are good enough that I can afford them hard drive space. The rest of classic rock I listen to on the radio, on a regular basis. Same goes for classical, but as I said I listen to a ton via stereo, which doesn't scrobble.