Do you speak with an accent?

People with the Boston accent do that. If a word ends with a vowel sound, and the next word begins with a vowel, they'll add in an R at the end of the word. And likewise, they only pronounce Rs if the next letter is a vowel, and otherwise the R is silent (resulting in "hard" and "park" sounding like "hahd" and "pahk" for instance). The latter is the defining characteristic of all non-rhotic accents, but adding in the r if the next word begins in a vowel is specific to the Boston accent.
The only time my Jersey accent comes out is when I say "wadder" instead of water. I don't know if this is just a Jersey thing but out of all the people I've ever worked with, they basically all curse a lot. I'm guilty of this because every other word out of my mouth is fuck or shit.

Me too, all of the above.
Some people where I live say wooder. It sounds fucking retarded. And I tell them.

My grandpa does that. He also pronounces wash "warsh", and Washington is "Warshington". I just find it kind of amusing, though, since I don't really know anyone else who talks like that.

I hate when older people pronounce the end of the days of the week as "dee." Like "Tuesdee, Wednesdee, Thursdee, Fridee."

And then there are the people who replace "a" with "er", so instead of "marina" they say "mareener".

"I have no ideaR if it is." "Idea" ends in a vowel, and "if" begins with a vowel. Therefore the R is thrown in.

I've never heard such things from TV.
Because the TV people learn to speak with a standardized accent.

My parents always laugh when they listen to the BBC News on National Public Radio. They say that the reporters' sound like they're making fun of each other, like it was all one big Monty Python sketch.
Certain cultures take music more seriously as a mark of identity. Many Blacks and Latinos take hip-hop and the like to be an integral part of their culture. As Whites we lack that understanding because we have the privelege of identifying with anything we like, and don't view music as a unifying principle. Minorities use anything possible to maintain strength through unity, and music is one of those things.

Therefore I don't find it unreasonable to be unattracted to a certain woman, not just because of physical qualities, but of cultural leanings as well.
I think you are generalizing way too much.
But in some situations it shouldn't be done. Like this one, most of my black friends don't even like Hip-Hop, they're more into R&B.
R&B and hip hop are very related, and there are even many artists who mix the two. What's rare, is an African American who isn't into "black" music (hip hop, R&B, raggae, and the like).

But getting back to accents. It's wicked hahd to pahk youah cah in Boston.
I was just saying that not all black people like Hip-Hop. And yeah every black person I met except one liked "black" music.
R&B and hip hop are very related, and there are even many artists who mix the two. What's rare, is an African American who isn't into "black" music (hip hop, R&B, raggae, and the like).

But getting back to accents. It's wicked hahd to pahk youah cah in Boston.

You can't get thar from hare.
If I go to Boston I will bring a notepad. So people can write on it so I don't have to hear them talk.
Well the ones who do have the accent are clearly trying to hide it.

Actions of an insecure cowardice twat!

Jersey accents are annoying. I know a guy named Bruce always says "mud-ah" for mother and so on..