Does anyone have a leading contender for 2004 yet?

Caelum Adustum said:
I'm surprised you're not familiar with them yet.
Yeah, I knew it was Deathspell Omega, and they get a lot of discussion around here, but I need coaxing when it comes to buying any BM blind. Any website with samples?

BWD - when you send me the August Engine vinyl, any chance you can you send me a CD-R?
I like the whole integrated approach to Satanism (in the metaphysical sense), but if he's as evolving and, to an extent, inclusive, I cannot see how the "doctrine" of Satanism can lead to further spiritual unfolding while contained in itself. But I like what he says about stagnation in the BM scene and in spirit and "the hand that strangles and the hand that heals is the same" -- an almost Abraxian outlook that is way beyond the "orthodox" (or now blatantly un-orthodox) "Satansim" of the punks and wannabes that permeate the scene. Nice to see that every now and then there is actual intelligence, no matter how misguided or unexposed (not to say that this is), in metal nowadays.
I prefer Drudkh probably, simply because I really never can get tired of listening to that album. The new Leviathan is very weird and eclectic, in a good way. Parts of the album are beyond creepy. I forgot about DO's latest. Thats definetly in my top 10 this year.
Nothing close to a definite number one yet, which works towards proving that 2004 has been one hell of a year, there's been quite a few standout releases in almost every genre so far and the fall release schedule will hopefully play havoc on your year-end lists...
You know what, I'm actually predicting that Adrian Belew triple-album to be #1, just because the very idea of him playing with Les Claypool and Danny Carey gives me a 9 foot erection.
So, how does 2004 compare to 2003 so far for you gentlemen that have been keeping tabs on all the new releases? I got into the game fairly late (only discovering Opeth and with it the underground metal scene in April/May 2003) so I only have the RC Top Ten lists among other things to compare, but just looking at that, it seems to me that 2004 is by far the better.

Right now I have a Top 6 albums that for awhile has been set in stone but it's more than likely it will be displaced soon. I'm thinking I'll need a Top 20 or 25 just to cover all the great music I've heard in my first year tracking the new releases.
2003 was the best year for music since 1994 as far as I'm concerned, at this point last year I had probably 20 albums that deserved top 10 status. 2004 doesn't even sort of compare, but that's fine because I'm trying to save money this year anyhow. :D
I think 2003 is looking better so far only because some albums I didn't discover until this year. So this same logic may apply to 2004 come the summer of 2005....

I'm glad we're revising those lists for a laugh - I'll get to mine later. It's going to be about 50% different I'd say.
i haven't heard that many 2004 albums yet, but my favourites would be the already mentioned and duly praised deathspell omega and the arckanum and svartsyn split (kaos svartar mar/skinning the lambs). where svartsyn really surprised me delivering some top notch black metal, the earlier stuff of theirs i've found thoroughly boring. Caelum Adustum, having seen your picks and general taste in music, i'm pretty certain you'd enjoy this one a lot.

right now i'm listening to "secrets of the moon - carved in stigmata wonuds" though i've only heard the first disc three times or so i've a feeling this one might climb very high indeed given proper attention. it has some really great riffing that sticks at once and makes my head bob in an apprecitating fashion.
spaffe said:
right now i'm listening to "secrets of the moon - carved in stigmata wonuds" though i've only heard the first disc three times or so i've a feeling this one might climb very high indeed given proper attention. it has some really great riffing that sticks at once and makes my head bob in an apprecitating fashion.
I listened to this a few more times yesterday, and I really think it's a bit too long. They could have got rid of quite a bit of crap, and left a more condensed, but better album, as there's a lot of excellent stuff on there. Track 8 absolutely rules, it's the standout track for me so far.

Umm, I can't even think what else was released this year, but Drudkh will no doubt be my favourite. Oh, and I really like the new Finntroll. But the vast majority of stuff I've bought this year is older.
spaffe said:
i haven't heard that many 2004 albums yet, but my favourites would be the already mentioned and duly praised deathspell omega and the arckanum and svartsyn split (kaos svartar mar/skinning the lambs). where svartsyn really surprised me delivering some top notch black metal, the earlier stuff of theirs i've found thoroughly boring. Caelum Adustum, having seen your picks and general taste in music, i'm pretty certain you'd enjoy this one a lot.

I've been meaning to get some stuff by Svartsyn for a while, thanks for the tip.
Sunn 0))) - White2

Overall could be better than White1, and I didn't think anything would beat My Wall but Decay2 (Nihil's Maw) might just do it. I've only listened to this album twice, it may make #1, who knows.
Holy crapola! I just remembered that Wolverine's Cold Light of Monday was released this year!

That is a definite top 10 contender for sure. That was another Nate recommendation too.
I just found out Ondskapt should be releasing their new album entitled "Dödens Evangelium" late this year. This MIGHT dethrone DsO, but most likely wont.
i have to throw in something different here ...

Exodus for me ... must have spun this at least 50 times so far. just great driving music