Doom Metal

Im gonna stick my head into this subgenre-discussion (and hope it doesnt get cut off) and suggest Mindrot, they must be considered some kind of doom, you experts descide what. I have had their first fullength Dawning fo a few years now and I love it.

They split up and formed another great band called Eyes of Fire. According to MA they are more sludge, sounds good though.
You obviously don't know what the fuck I listen to, so you should probably not fucking say anything. Drone just really sucks a lot.
Sunn doesn't fall into the category of "drone ambient." It's BARELY metal...pretty much not. But it fits better in metal due to the heavy guitars than in electronic drone ambient which does not focus on guitars but rather synthesized sounds.
You obviously don't know what the fuck I listen to, so you should probably not fucking say anything. Drone just really sucks a lot.

Explain why drone sucks a lot.

V5, I do think Sunn IS metal. It is guitars-based which creates a certain metal sound.

It is super hard to explain Sunn's sound...
Because I don't like it. Just like things that you don't like suck. You see how that works? It's like magic, only not.
Yea, but you seem to write it off without respect. But I will give you credit about not whining about it too much. The point I am trying to get across is that it is doom.
You obviously don't know what the fuck I listen to, so you should probably not fucking say anything. Drone just really sucks a lot.

I obviously don't know exactly what you listen to but I can make an assumption based on you constantly posting your distaste for anything new.
Please shut up, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. This shit is getting ridiculous.
Yeah, probably. But it's just a message board.

I'm really digging that Doomraiser band. It's like epic traditional doom.
Has anyone heard the new Nortt? I think it's brillianto, for all of those into Black/Doom. Also Colosseum's Chapter 1 is quite good, they do the whole epic death/doom sound really well.