Doom Metal

By sarcastic I mean blatantly unserious. You should fucking know by now with the countless arguments that we have that I couldn't possibly reasonably hold the musical beliefs that I express regarding what other people think and still consider myself a rational being. It's overexaggeration used, for my own amusement, to get a rise out of, especially, you, because I know that you will jump to the defense because you always defend your sacred genres whether the 'attack' is serious or not.
That's called trolling tbh. You're a mod. Don't fucking troll. You're being difficult.

Also, stoner doom isn't one of my "SACRED GENRES" (whatever the fuck that means?), but I guess you were just saying that to get a rise out of me too!? When will you strike next?!

Anyway, I like doom metal.

Nex is good stuff that hasn't been mentioned here that I know of. They are on Deathgasm and I received a sampler from that label recently with a track of theirs. It's comparable to MDB and the early gothic/death/doom bands. I suggest interested parties to listen to them here!
That's called trolling tbh. You're a mod. Don't fucking troll. You're being difficult.

No I'm not. Eat my fucking cock you dingleberry harvester.

Also, stoner doom isn't one of my "SACRED GENRES" (whatever the fuck that means?), but I guess you were just saying that to get a rise out of me too!? When will you strike next?!

Sacred genres = genres you defend to the grave whenever anybody says anything negative about them, to which you respond "lol you don't know what it's really about" or a derivation thereof.
Stoner Doom is usually fucking gay and missing the point of the style of Metal they think they're playing. :p

See? So much better. Now you won't needlessly insult people because the smiley is a flag for "take with grain of salt" but also it's not too much of a loss of meaning because you still have a "fucking gay" in there. Everyone wins!