Wow, I love the fact there is a nice sized doom thread on this site but, I wish this debate would end on what is true doom....I've been into metal since 88 so, this isn't someone who does not know what they're talking about.
There is no such thing as "true doom metal" I mean bands like Sabbath, Trouble etc aren't even metal really more rock..ask Tony Iommi what is Black Sabbath, he doesn't say "we're in true doom metal" they are in a rock n roll band.
Doom isn't doom just because it is played slow. It's music has the slow elements but, doom is about putting forth a feeling of dread, fear, despair....being hopeless in the band's sound and songs. So, saying well, this band is this or this band is that...and not "true" doom are silly. Because every song is not "slow"? Doom is way more than just being slow, or having the "Sabbath" like guitar sound and riffs.
But, doom has been the one genre that keeps it's sincerity, and hasn't fallen to the vortex of shit like other genre's. So, I think this "true" doom stuff is a waste of time, and a waste when trying to give people ideas of bands they personally feel is doom. Tagging one band not True" doom and is such and such doom is doing nothing but damaging a great genre...not to mention really good bands out there they may get left behind based on a "general" tag as something not being doom...
I think Sting just possessed me there.