Doom Metal

Is Place Of Skulls good and if so where should I start? I've never heard them, it's only the many connections (Trouble, Pentagram etc) that make me interested.
You know, I never really cared much for Place of Skulls to be honest. If you haven't, you should check out Victor Griffins solo band though. Wino was in it as well. They only released one album, but it was killer.
i enjoy place of skulls, especially the last album, though some of the blatant christian lyrics (which i do not find offensive) are just plain bad.

if you want a more rocking doom band, get The Obsessed or the awesome Ogre.
Yeah, they're okay, older stuff was better. Later albums are a bit too gothic, but still decent.
I can almost never bring myself to sit through even their early stuff. It's almost too sluggish and, while very evocative and moving when it's actually moving at all, a lot of the time it's just too much boringness for me. Much prefer something like diSEMBOWELMENT.
I couldn't get into Hooded Menace and Asphyx have way too many thrash parts to be considered "death/doom" canon (though I guess it is apt some of the time), but Winter is for sure good.
Yeah, Asphyx is a bit of a stretch, but they do have enough doomy sections to to almost justify the tag. Either way, killer band :kickass: