Dragonforce changed my life

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Bison is a cheap sunovabitch, Psycho Crusher, cheapest move, and i still own anyone who uses him. Guile is cool because is heavy kick makes him go upside down (not his special kick).
(M)aggoT said:
There is no fucking difference between Ken and Ryu. Why Ken? He is sexier or what?
His dragon punch has better range and he has a freer feel to him... plus he gets chicks while Ryu just dragon punches waterfalls all day.
BurningWitch said:
Bison is a cheap sunovabitch, Psycho Crusher, cheapest move, and i still own anyone who uses him. Guile is cool because is heavy kick makes him go upside down (not his special kick).
Bison rules... plus he has cool outfits.
People who like power metal probably have a hard time dealing with reality. Power metal is like kids thinking some places like in lord of the rings exist in real life.
Thoth-Amon said:
His dragon punch has better range and he has a freer feel to him... plus he gets chicks while Ryu just dragon punches waterfalls all day.

also kens hurricane kick doesnt knock down, the properties of their normal moves are different, and uhh they also have some different moves depending on what SF version youre playing

ken is 3/4 japanese btw hanger 18, and his hair is dyed. hence why he has black eyebrows.
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