Dragonforce changed my life

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my fav metal bands are burzum, deathspell omega (smrc only kenose sucks dick), darkthrone, drudkh, alcest, emperor's first album, graveland, gontyna kry.....shit like that u know
thebleakaffinity said:
interesting factoid: spectacular actually does like dragonforce, and once criticized me for saying they suck!

we're talking totally different levels of appreciation from the op here

i think they make horrible dumb music that is fun to listen to sometimes but it was easier to just say i dont like them

i dont think i criticized you for saying they suck

Dragonforce sucks balls plus the sack as well. I want to shoot myself while listening to them. One time my cat died, from hearing them.
I like dragonforce, but you are incredibly gay dude. Dragonforce are sweet, extremely accomplished, but also tongue-in-cheek band. If a band, especially dragonforce are changing your outlook on life, you need to kill yourself, because you have very little hope. They are a band, not a life philosphy
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