Dragonforce changed my life

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This picture cracks me up.

Entropiastrife said:
I like dragonforce, but you are incredibly gay dude. Dragonforce are sweet, extremely accomplished, but also tongue-in-cheek band. If a band, especially dragonforce are changing your outlook on life, you need to kill yourself, because you have very little hope. They are a band, not a life philosphy

man this shit sure is great for weeding out faggots who dont read the thread
you do not like drugs? I still don't understand. How can you not like getting high? It's like getting drunk, but without the hangover, dizziness, fat girls, puking, rotting liver, bitter taste, unprotected drunk sex, constant pissing, dirty phone calls, smelly farts, dick munching, umm.....safe sex, sweet chocolates, my pals, bartenders, big titties, bitching mothers, safe sex. type of thing.
Drugs like Weed are good (i don't consider it a real drug) but stuff like coke, crack, meth is just fuckin stupid shit to get into.
Authentic Metalhead said:
My fear of death outweighs my need for temporary gratification.

i have never known anyone who's died of an OD. i've known about 5 people who've OD'd and they all survived without any lasting effects. i literally know hundreds of people who do drugs. you're safe d00d.
DragonForce changed my life. I used to be a lot like most of you, a jaded, cynical pessimist with a completely contemptful attitude toward the future and believing in nothing. That this thing called "hope" was just a big fat lie spoon-fed to me by my parents, by my teachers, by all the sheep-herding media conglomerates. Indeed, it was my rage, my utter hatred for the world and complete disillusionment with life that drew me deep into the extremities of the metal underground. Later on I got into Manowar, whom I fell in love with like most here did, out of sheer irony. Soon to follow was discovering power metal, a genre a become fond with as it echoed my love for Japanese RPGs, and then DragonForce, who quickly became my favorite band. As I spent the next two years listening to them constantly, I began to notice something. This music was changing my attitude towards life. No longer was I flailing armageddon disciple. When listening to DragonForce, I actually started to believe in myself again. I saw myself not spending the rest of my life drinking and fucking the pain of life away, but reaching out to people, spreading love and joy and fighting for everyhting good in the world.

you still sound pretty damn negative to me, considering the fact every post of yours is bitching about something and trying to make everyone else seem like ignorant morons.

dont beleive me? check out the "stupid shit you hear as a metalhead" thread.
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